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1,896 results
  • Chiropodologia, or, A scientific enquiry into the causes of corns, warts, onions, and other painful or offensive cutaneous excrescences : with a detail of the most successful methods of removing all deformities of the nails; and of preserving, or restoring, to the feet and hands their natural soundness and beauty. The whole ... systematically confirmed by the practice and experience of D. Low, chiropodist.
  • [Ivy Leaf Corn Silk].
  • [Ivy Leaf Corn Silk].
  • Confocal micrograph of corn.
  • Cheese-flavoured puffed corn snack
  • Use Niagara Corn Starch : superior to all.
  • Ivy Leaf Corn Cure / Francis Spite & Co. Ltd.
  • Ivy Leaf Corn Cure / Francis Spite & Co. Ltd.
  • Two sparrows pecking at a seedhead of corn. Watercolour.
  • 'corn on the cob' and rods in decaying tooth
  • 'corn on the cob' in concavity of tooth cusp
  • Received of... : no. / New York Pop Corn & Candy Works.
  • British : walk in comfort : Ivy Leaf Corn Silk.
  • British : walk in comfort : Ivy Leaf Corn Silk.
  • Two weasels in a corn field. Colour lithograph after W. Kuhnert.
  • Two Japanese women sitting by a trough used for grinding corn. Watercolour.
  • Why walk in misery? : when Golden Corn Cure will give immediate relief.
  • Components of "Eth.", "Corn." and "Man". Table in india ink by W. Sowerby.
  • Two partridges feeding on corn with men trapping a dog in the background. Etching.
  • Bacchus, Ceres and Pomona with a cornucopia of fruit and corn. Etching by C. Schut I.
  • A travelling chiropodist operating upon a corn on his patient's foot. Peking, Pechili province, China.
  • Always use McDougall's patent self-raising flour / Arthur McDougall, City Corn Mills, Manchester.
  • A rat nibbling on corn outside a farmyard. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • Christopher Atkinson pilloried as part of his sentence for cheating on the Navy Victualling Board; illustrated by a pillory embellished with sheafs of corn amidst a huge crowd outside the corn exchange. Etching by T. Rowlandson, 1784.
  • A cat with a mouse in its mouth is descending the stairs in a corn chamber while rats, mice and weasels are running around three piles of corn; illustration of a fable by Aesop. Etching by W. Hollar.
  • A man with yoked oxen is threshing the corn. Engraving by C. Cousen after R. Beavis.
  • Four flowering plants, including corn spurrey (Spergula arvensis). Chromolithograph by W. Dickes & co., c. 1855.
  • Corn mint (Mentha arvensis): flowering stem, roots and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1810.
  • A king (?) handing out alms to a crowd of people, over a sheaf of corn. Etching.
  • A corn marigold (Chrysanthemum segetum) with an associated beetle and its anatomical segments. Coloured etching, c. 1830.