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1,562 results
  • Robert Willan. Photograph by A. C. Cooper.
  • Thomas Sidney Cooper. Photograph by Elliott & Fry.
  • Sir Astley Cooper (?), head and shoulders. Gouache.
  • Sir Astley Paston Cooper. Stipple engraving by Neeles.
  • [Cooper, Sir Astley Paston (1768-1841)] [archive material].
  • [Cooper, Sir Astley Paston (1768-1841)] [archive material].
  • William Smoult Playfair. Photograph by A. C. Cooper.
  • [Cooper, Sir Astley Paston (1768-1841)] [archive material].
  • Jan Baptista van Helmont. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper.
  • John Booker. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper after Hollar.
  • Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury. Engraving.
  • Foster Powell, a pedestrian. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1821.
  • Simon Paap, a dwarf. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1823.
  • Elias Hoyle, aged 113. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1822.
  • Elias Hoyle, aged 113. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1822.
  • Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper.
  • William Hayley. Engraving by R. Cooper, 1823, after G. Engleheart.
  • Henricus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper.
  • Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1812.
  • Plate VII, On the anatomy of the breast. Cooper, 1840.
  • Sir Alfred Cooper. Colour lithograph by L. Ward [Spy], 1897.
  • Sir Alfred Cooper. Colour lithograph by L. Ward [Spy], 1897.
  • Sir Alfred Cooper. Colour lithograph by L. Ward [Spy], 1897.
  • Sir Astley Paston Cooper. Oil painting after Sir Thomas Lawrence.
  • Sir Astley Paston Cooper. Stipple engraving by S. Freeman, 1828.
  • Margaret Patten, aged 136. Mezzotint by J. Cooper, 1737, after himself.
  • Samuel House, a patriotic publican. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1822.
  • Thomas Hudson, an unfortunate man. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1821.
  • Jenny Darney, a travelling eccentric. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1821.
  • Jane Lewson, an elderly eccentric. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1821.