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115 results
  • Diana (Artemis) riding the chariot of the moon across the heavens. Engraving by J. Sadeler after M. de Vos.
  • [French Red Cross charity stamp showing a deity riding a chariot drawn by 4 horses through clouds ("Advolat auxilium")].
  • The charioteer of Pelops. Photographic postcard by W. Hege, 193-.
  • The charioteer of Pelops. Photographic postcard by W. Hege, 193-.
  • A bacchanalian gathering with leopards pulling a chariot and Silenus (?) on a donkey. Engraving by N.D. Beauvais after L. Cheron.
  • Astronomy: the moon goddess (Diana), in her chariot drawn by a pair of women. Engraving by C. Lasinio, 1695, after Raphael, 1516.
  • Ceres (Demeter) on a chariot drawn by lions receives offerings from peasants; representing harvest. Etching by G. Zocchi after P. da Cortona.
  • Ceres (Demeter) on a chariot drawn by lions receives offerings from peasants; representing harvest. Etching by G. Zocchi after P. da Cortona.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • Dhumavati, Hindu goddess of misfortune and unpleasantness, sitting in a chariot drawn by birds before a dead body. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Large birds harassing small birds near a dovecote with a goddess in her chariot watching on from the clouds; illustration for a fable. Etching.
  • Antiochus IV of Syria, sick and injured by a fall from his chariot, dictates his will as surgeons bandage his leg. Etching by N. Hallé, 1738.
  • An allegorical female is sitting in a chariot drawn by two lions, she is holding a bunch of grapes and a cornucopia; representing plenty. Coloured etching.
  • Galatea riding a scallop shell chariot over the seas accompanied by Neptune, nymphs and cherubs, symbolising the element water. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1796, after F. Albani.
  • Venus riding a scallop shell chariot over the seas accompanied by Neptune, nymphs and cherubs, symbolising the element water. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • An allegorical female decorated with flower garlands and the feathers of the Prince of Wales is sitting in a chariot drawn by tigers; representing peace. Coloured etching.
  • William Cavendish, Marquis (from 1665 Duke) of Newcastle, in a chariot drawn by two centaurs, surrounded by kneeling horses. Engraving by P. Clouwet after A. van Diepenbeeck, ca. 1658.
  • A vase-painting: two gryphons attack a charioteer who defends with a sword. Coloured engraving, 17--.
  • The triumph of love: Cupid and a young woman being drawn in a chariot by two women while a third scatters roses before them. Watercolour by J.G. Steiner, 1789.
  • Christ on a triumphal chariot with saints, martyrs, sibyls and other figures; representing the triumph of faith (?). Engraving by S. Pomarede after G.A. Buti after Bonifacio de' Pitati.
  • Ceres on a chariot with children representing the months March, April and May, surrounded by forms of natural abundance, corybantes and cherubs, symbolising the element earth. Etching by A. Tempesta, 1592.
  • A scene from Ramakian or Ramayan, the Indian epic: Rama riding on top of a chariot holding a sword, along with Lakshman and Sita (?). Gouache painting by a Thai artist.
  • A woman holding a trident and a shield is riding on a chariot pulled through the waves by horses; representing the Battle of Camperdown. Engraving by J. Parker after R. Smirke.
  • Neptune and Amphitrite sit on a scallop shell chariot amidst the waves, surrounded by nereids and tritons; representing the element water. Engraving by L. Desplaces, 1718, after Louis de Boullogne the younger.
  • Cybele, Bacchus, Ceres and Flora on a chariot drawn by lions surrounded by all forms of natural abundance and cherubs: symbolising the element earth. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1796, after F. Albani.
  • Bacchus carried on a chariot pulled by leopards, accompanied by a drunken procession of bacchants and satyrs, with Silenus and two elephants. Etching by P. Aquila after P. Berrettini da Cortona, 16--.
  • Cybele, Bacchus, Ceres and Flora on a chariot drawn by lions surrounded by all forms of natural abundance and cherubs, symbolising the element earth. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Juno in a chariot drawn by two peacocks flying through the sky surrounded by nymphs and cherubs, Jupiter on the ground trying to lock up a group of putti, symbolising the element air. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1796, after F. Albani.