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1,902 results
  • H.M.S. Grampus, a hospital ship, lying off Deptford Creek, Greenwich, sailing boats nearby. Lithograph by W. P. Kay, ca. 1827.
  • Christ with Saint Paul the Apostle, Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin), Saint John the Baptist and Saint Catherine of Alexandria. Engraving by J.Th. Richomme after P. Bouillon after M.A. Raimondi after Raphael.
  • Women personifying the continents of Europe, Africa and Asia, are protected by Father Time, while a woman personifying antiquity points to the value of ancient coins. Engraving by M. van der Gucht after P. Berchet.
  • A man being weighed on a set of scales, and a man with his head in a glass container; showing Lavoisier's experiments with respiration. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man being weighed on a set of scales, and a man with his head in a glass container; showing Lavoisier's experiments with respiration. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A young woman watching from a beach while a rowing boat carries a man, waving farewell, to a ship in the distance. Aquatint by J.P.M. Jazet, 1829, after H. Corbould.
  • A man clings to a tree, struggling not to fall into a cauldron containing a monster while a bear and snakes look on; rats gnaw at the trunk of the tree; representing the threat and eventual victory of Death. Engraving by M. Mouzyn, 1656 (?), after A.P. van de Venne.
  • A bear wearing a spiked helmet and a gun is walking over a bridge marked "Protocol" which is supported by rulers of different countries. Drawing by M.C.P. (?), 12 July 1877.
  • A family caught in an avalanche along the Mount St. Bernard Pass; a woman frantically rings the bell thus breaking the cord. Aquatint by J.P.M. Jazet after H. Lecomte.
  • The gymnastic free exercises of P. H. Ling : ... a systematized course of gymnastics without apparatus, for the development and strengthening of the body ... adapted to the use of medical men ... / arranged by H. Rothstein ; translated with additions by M. Roth.
  • A distressed young woman protests her innocence and prays before the judge and the counsel of the Spanish inquisition. Aquatint by J.P.M. Jazet, 1839, after S.J.E. Jones.
  • The Pied Piper and the children : Please use this blotter with compliments from A.H. Bull, M.P.S., dispensing and photographic chemist, 27 and 29 Long Acre, Cannongate, Nottingham.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • Drugs and AIDS : 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. Wednesday, 17th May, 1989 : Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JQ.
  • Drugs and AIDS : 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. Wednesday, 17th May, 1989 : Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JQ.
  • Informe medico-moral de la penosissima, y rigorosa enfermedad de la epilepsia, que a pedimento de la M.R.M. Alexandra Beatriz de las Dolores ... Priora del Convento de Religiosas del ... Señor San Geronymo [in Puebla] ... hace ... P. de Horta / [Pedro de Horta].
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares at a country market, assisted by a woman. Colour stipple engraving by L.-M. Bonnet after J.-P. Caresme.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares at a country market, assisted by a woman. Colour stipple engraving by L.-M. Bonnet after J.-P. Caresme.
  • A royal banquet given by the City of Paris for King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to celebrate the birth of their son, the Dauphin. Engraving by J.M. Moreau after P.L. Moreau.
  • A doctor pumps the stomach of his obese seated patient while another couple wait, one who has already undergone reduction examines his deflated countenance in a mirror. Coloured etching by J.P.M. Jazet after H. Heath.
  • A doctor pumps the stomach of his obese seated patient while another couple wait, one who has already undergone reduction examines his deflated countenance in a mirror. Coloured etching by J.P.M. Jazet after H. Heath.
  • Two men are sitting outside a cottage playing draughts; a woman is in the doorway holding a child and a jug. Aquatint by J.P.M. Jazet, 1821-1822, after J. Burnet.
  • Anniversary dinner : The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool : Thursday April 13th 1961 at 7.30 for 8 p.m. : the president Sir Alexander Todd, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. in the chair / the Chemical Society.
  • Anniversary dinner : The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool : Thursday April 13th 1961 at 7.30 for 8 p.m. : the president Sir Alexander Todd, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. in the chair / the Chemical Society.
  • Anniversary dinner : The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool : Thursday April 13th 1961 at 7.30 for 8 p.m. : the president Sir Alexander Todd, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. in the chair / the Chemical Society.
  • Anniversary dinner : The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool : Thursday April 13th 1961 at 7.30 for 8 p.m. : the president Sir Alexander Todd, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. in the chair / the Chemical Society.