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89 results
  • John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I. Oil painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni.
  • John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I. Oil painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni.
  • Section of the dorsal (?) rib cage showing multiply fractured ribs. Watercolour in grisaille by S. A. Sewell, ca. 1918.
  • Paul Ferdinand Gachet. Etching by V. van Gogh, 1890.
  • Paul Ferdinand Gachet. Etching by V. van Gogh, 1890.
  • Paul Ferdinand Gachet. Etching by V. van Gogh, 1890.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
  • Red apples representing healty living with a message about how AIDS patients can learn to live with the disease with the help of the assistance of the Diocesan Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Cologne eV AIDS-Hilfe Unit. Colour lithograph by Hüsch & Hüsch Aachen and Werbung.
  • Public AIDS Symposium in Berlin on 28 November 1992
  • Two yellow lines encircled by a grey/green line at the centre of a poster with details of the Public AIDS Symposium in Berlin on 28 November 1992 at the Seminar Centrum, Berlin; organised by Berliner AIDS-Hilfe, Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, an initiative of Sergei Bashir and Manfred D. Kuno. Colour lithograph by ComDesign.
  • Two yellow lines encircled by a grey/green line at the centre of a poster with details of the Public AIDS Symposium in Berlin on 28 November 1992 at the Seminar Centrum, Berlin; organised by Berliner AIDS-Hilfe, Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, an initiative of Sergei Bashir and Manfred D. Kuno. Colour lithograph by ComDesign.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Aeson is rejuvenated by having his blood replaced by magic juices in a boiling vat; representing the process of self-destruction in order to attain the elixir of life. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs after Salomon Trismosin.
  • Aeson is rejuvenated by having his blood replaced by magic juices in a boiling vat; representing the process of self-destruction in order to attain the elixir of life. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs after Salomon Trismosin.
  • Aeson is rejuvenated by having his blood replaced by magic juices in a boiling vat; representing the process of self-destruction in order to attain the elixir of life. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs after Salomon Trismosin.
  • A horse-drawn hearse pulls away from a doctor's; representing the dire state of the medical establishment according to James Morison, pill-vendor and self-styled 'Hygeian'. Lithograph, c. 1848.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • 1st self-portrait.