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153 results
  • Thermogram of an infected middle finger, left hand.
  • Thermogram of an infected middle finger, left hand.
  • Section of the dorsal (?) rib cage showing multiply fractured ribs. Watercolour in grisaille by S. A. Sewell, ca. 1918.
  • Using Virtual Reality to treat paranoia
  • Development of the early embryo
  • Development of the early embryo
  • Chinese woodcut: Play of the five creatures, 3 - The Deer
  • Reconstructed CT scan of elephant foot
  • Reconstructed CT scan of elephant foot
  • Chrysalis, paintings exploring women in science
  • Chrysalis, paintings exploring women in science
  • One folded sheet containing the silhouette torso of Michelangelo's David and a list of excuses for not practising safe sex; advertisement by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Larry Stinson and Les Poppas.
  • One folded sheet containing the silhoutte torso of Michelangelo's David and a list of excuses for not practising safe sex; advertisement by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Larry Stinson and Les Poppas.
  • One folded sheet containing the silhoutte torso of Michelangelo's David and a list of excuses for not practising safe sex; advertisement by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Larry Stinson and Les Poppas.
  • Hidden Learning : Chrysallis, paintings exploring women in science.
  • A crucified écorché. Process print after a woodcut, 1541.
  • A malicious itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a grimacing patient's head; symbolising the extraction of 'folly' (insanity). Engraving after D. Teniers.
  • An itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a grimacing patient; symbolising the expulsion of 'folly' (insanity). Engraving.
  • An itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a man's head; symbolising the expulsion of 'folly' (insanity) Line engraving by L. van Leyden, 1524.
  • A malicious itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a grimacing patient's head; symbolising the extraction of 'folly' (insanity). Mezzotint by J. van der Bruggen after D. Teniers.
  • A surgeon in his workroom extracting stones from a patients head; symbolising the expulsion of 'folly' (insanity). Photogravure after J. Steen.
  • An itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a woman's head; symbolising the removal of her 'folly' (insanity). Line engraving after N. Weydtmans after himself.
  • An itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a man's head; symbolising the expulsion of 'folly' (insanity) Line engraving after L. van Leyden.
  • A malicious itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a grimacing patient's head; symbolising the extraction of 'folly' (insanity). Coloured etching after D. Teniers.
  • An itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a man's head; symbolising the expulsion of 'folly' (insanity) Line engraving by L. van Leyden, 1524.
  • The trunks of the vena cava, with their branches(Table VI, fig. 1); the trunks of the vena porta (Table VI, fig. 2), both after an engraving by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper, 1702, after a preparation by G. Leoni, c. 1645; the brain, nerves and spine, after Eustachius, by 1552 (Table VII) Etching by I. Basire, 1743.
  • Ming Chinese wheel diagram of the channels
  • Semi-naked men and women from the dance company Momix Dancers use their bodies to form the words 'Stop AIDS Now', an advertisement by the AIDS-Hilfen Österreichischs. Colour lithograph by Claudio Alessandri Design, ca. 1995.
  • An itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a man's head; symbolising the expulsion of 'folly' (insanity), in the background is a manic woman who is waiting for the operation. Photogravure, 1926, after T. de Brij after M. de Vos.
  • [Wellcome MS Persian 474].