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271 results
  • The Cachucha dance performed by Fanny Cerrito and Arthur Saint-Léon. Coloured lithograph by E.C.F. Guérard, 1845.
  • Two Russian valets are tightening ties around a young officer's waist as a third man brings a uniform for him to wear. Coloured etching, 1815.
  • People purchasing drinks from a cocoa vendor as others sit resting under a tree in fog. Lithograph by Engelmann after S. Baptiste, 1827.
  • Two soldiers carrying a wounded comrade off the battlefield. Coloured lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after J.H. Marlet, 1817.
  • Two soldiers carrying a wounded comrade off the battlefield. Coloured lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after J.H. Marlet, 1817.
  • Frederik William Boers. Line engraving by L. J. Cathelin, 1784, after C. N. Cochin.
  • A troupe of blind musicians and their dogs confronting a rival street musician and his dog. Lithograph by Engelmann after S. Baptiste, 1828.
  • Les Eaux-Chaudes, Pyrénées, France. Lithograph by J. Jacottet.
  • A boy smokes a cigar given him by a Prussian soldier; a furious Frenchman kicks his behind. Lithograph, c. 1870, after A-C-H. Cham.
  • Crowds of people are gathered for a fete, a stage has been set up and actors are performing a play. Engraving by F. Dequevauviller, 1777, after M. Schoevaerdts.
  • Crowds of people are gathered for a fete, a stage has been set up and actors are performing a play. Engraving by F. Dequevauviller, 1777, after M. Schoevaerdts.
  • The main avenue, Allées d'Étigny, Bagnères de Luchon. Lithograph by E. Ciceri.
  • Cybele, Bacchus, Ceres and Flora on a chariot drawn by lions surrounded by all forms of natural abundance and cherubs, symbolising the element earth. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Venus riding a scallop shell chariot over the seas accompanied by Neptune, nymphs and cherubs, symbolising the element water. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Juno in a chariot drawn by two peacocks flying through the sky surrounded by nymphs and cherubs, Jupiter on the ground trying to lock up a group of putti: symbolising the element air. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Vulcan in his forge with Jupiter throwing bolts of lightning, Venus in the sky above: symbolising the element fire. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Ninon de Lenclos. Stipple engraving by P. Augrand after J. Petitot.
  • Chapel and tomb of the family of the Duke of Orleans, seen from the gardens. Lithograph by I-L. Deroy, 1842, after N.J. Kellin.
  • Anatomy of the principal parts of the human body. Engraving by J. Blanchin after J. Dumoulin, 1679.
  • Anatomy of the principal parts of the human body. Engraving by J. Blanchin after J. Dumoulin, 1679.
  • Hens of the Cochin breed pecking around a bucket as a cockerel looks on. Lithograph by E. Leroux after C. Jacque.
  • A woman trader at the Halles market in Paris defends her conduct in conversation with an official as another woman looks on in amusement. Lithograph by N. Charlet, 1825.
  • Poultry of Normandy: cockerels and hens scratching at the ground on a grassy bank. Lithograph by E. Leroux, 1859, after C. Jacque.
  • An emaciated old man is transformed by four beauticians. Coloured lithograph by Ch.-J. Fuhr after Ch. Bargue, 1852.
  • Leonidas at Thermopylae. Crayon manner print by N. Bertrand, 1821, after Laguiche after J.L. David.
  • The Baths of Leuk, Leuk, Switzerland: interior. Lithograph by J. Jacottet after R. Ritz.
  • The Baths of Leuk, Leuk, Switzerland: interior. Lithograph by J. Jacottet after R. Ritz.
  • A wounded soldier having his foot dressed by a nun, while her assistant holds a bowl of water. Coloured lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after J.H. Marlet, 1817.
  • A wounded soldier having his foot dressed by a nun, while her assistant holds a bowl of water. Coloured lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after J.H. Marlet, 1817.
  • A physician recommending some medicine to a young female patient. Coloured lithograph, 1853, by H. Garnier, 1836, after J.L. Canon.