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83 results
  • A barber-surgeon's house, where monkeys shave cats and let blood. Line engraving, c. 1660, after D. Teniers II.
  • A surgeon about to let blood from a woman patient in a richly furnished room. Engraving by A. Bosse.
  • A surgeon preparing to let blood by cupping, his apprentice warming the cupping glass. Oil painting attributed to Jan Baptist Lambrechts.
  • A surgeon preparing to let blood by cupping, his apprentice warming the cupping glass. Oil painting attributed to Jan Baptist Lambrechts.
  • A surgeon preparing to let blood by cupping, his apprentice warming the cupping glass. Oil painting attributed to Jan Baptist Lambrechts.
  • A goose lets blood from a seated gentleman holding a crutch, while geese representing Portsmouth aldermen sit in council. Etching, 1761.
  • A surgeon preparing to let blood from the foot of a girl, in the presence of five other figures. Oil painting after Richard Brakenburg.
  • Interior of a surgery with a woman having blood let from the arm, a surgeon treating a man's injured foot, and other figures. Oil painting by Egbert van Heemskerck.
  • Interior of a surgery with a woman having blood let from the arm, a surgeon treating a man's injured foot, and other figures. Oil painting by Egbert van Heemskerck.
  • Interior of a surgery with a woman having blood let from the arm, a surgeon treating a man's injured foot, and other figures. Oil painting by Egbert van Heemskerck.
  • Votive picture: three people pray to the Virgin and Child for a patient in bed, a woman mops the patient's brow and a surgeon lets blood from the foot. Oil painting.
  • Votive picture: three people pray to the Virgin and Child for a patient in bed, a woman mops the patient's brow and a surgeon lets blood from the foot. Oil painting.
  • Prunella vulgaris L. Lamiaceae Self Heal, Carpenter’s Herb, Sicklewort, Consolida minor. Distribution: Europe. Culpeper (1650): ‘See Bugle. So shall I not need to write the same thing twice, the vertues being the same.’ Under Bugle he writes: ‘Bugula. Bugle or middle Comfrey ... excellent for falls or inward bruises, for it dissolves congealed blood, profitable for inward wounds, helps the rickets and other stoppings of the Liver, outwardly it is of wonderful force in curing wounds and ulcers, though festered, as also gangrenes and fistulas, it helps broken bones and dislocations. To conclude, let my countrymen esteem it as a Jewel...’ Bugle is Ajuga reptans which has the same creeping habit, but is in another genus. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Leech and Tamarind jars.
  • Alcock-type leech jar.
  • Il chirurgo, trattato breve ... Aggiontovi il ministro del medico ... / Di nuovo restampato.
  • Esbatal : Esbatal has been shown to be preferred by the patients themselves as an anti-hypertensive therapy ...
  • Esbatal : Esbatal has been shown to be preferred by the patients themselves as an anti-hypertensive therapy ...
  • Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, Siena: physicians and surgeons treating the sick. Watercolour, 19--, after Domenico di Bartolo, 1441-1442.
  • Esbatal : Esbatal has been shown to be preferred by the patients themselves as an anti-hypertensive therapy ...
  • Esbatal : Esbatal has been shown to be preferred by the patients themselves as an anti-hypertensive therapy ...
  • Three diagrams illustrating how to bleed an arm. Stipple engraving.
  • A dove stands on crossed keys holding in its wings a chart showing the good, bad or indifferent effects of each sign of the zodiac on different human activities. Engraving by P. Miotte, 16--.
  • A doctor examining a disgruntled patient, John Bull, who is being reassured by his master. Lithograph by Crichton, 1834.
  • M0001645: Engraving of a blood transfusion from a dog (canine) to a patient (human), circa 1692
  • Medicinal leech Hirudo verbena
  • Moutparts from medicinal leech Hirudo verbena
  • dPal-Idan Lha-mo (Magzor Palden Lhamo), a Tibetan demon goddess riding on a mule. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Cocoon from medicinal leech Hirudo verbena
  • Mexico: a Mayan shaman or medicine man performing bloodletting on a patient seated on a fallen tree. Photograph, ca. 1920.