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468 results
  • George Combe lecturing on phrenology to a mixed audience in his Edinburgh home?; presented as a monkey with a phrenological head. Lithograph.
  • Theodore Roosevelt reads to an audience of pigs their forthcoming fate in filthy Chicago slaughterhouses. Colour line block after T. Heine, 1906.
  • The inside of a theatre and the reactions of different parts of the audience to the unseen play. Etching by W. Hogarth.
  • An itinerant musician playing to an audience using an instrument that is partly made out of an animal's bladder. Drypoint by L. Flameng.
  • An audience of people throwing handkerchiefs (containing money?) onto a stage where an itinerant medicine vendor has been successfully selling his wares. Engraving.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage as part of a performance to a small audience. Etching by D. Deuchar (?).
  • Hospital Sunday: at the entrance to a theatre, the audience are required to surrender their wigs, lipstick, etc. Drawing by Edmund J. Sullivan, 1932.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage to an audience while his assistant draws a tooth from a man. Etching by Diebiey, 1767.
  • A kabuki theatre during a performance: three actors from the Ichikawa line perform a traditional play to an inattentive audience. Colour woodcut by Kuniume, 1884.
  • A kabuki theatre during a performance: three actors from the Ichikawa line perform a traditional play to an inattentive audience. Colour woodcut by Kuniume, 1884.
  • A devious itinerant medicine vendor and assistant perform their sales pitch to a suspicious audience, against the backdrop of the Tower of London. Etching, 1792.
  • A devious itinerant medicine vendor and assistant perform their sales pitch to a suspicious audience, against the backdrop of the Tower of London. Etching, 1792.
  • A blind fiddler plays to a mixed age audience, among them a dog which is about to be beaten for howling. Etching by W. Geikie.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor and his assistants being pelted off stage with stones from an angry audience. Engraving by C.F. Stoelzel, 1798, after J. Schenau.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor, draped with live snakes, sells his wares from a stage to an enthusiastic audience. Line engraving by D. Ghisi after G. Romano.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor performing on stage with several assistants, selling their wares to a small audience in Rome. Etching by W. Unger after D. Helmbreker.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor performing on stage with several assistants, selling their wares to a small audience in Rome. Etching by W. Unger after D. Helmbreker.
  • Deaf actors using sign language perform a play about Don Guzman to an audience in St Saviour's church hall, London. Wood engraving by G. Durand, 1877.
  • Above, Ferdinand Sauerbruch discussing a case; below left, a section of the audience; below right, a surgical operation. Process print after photographs by E. Salomon, 1930.
  • A blind man plays the fiddle to a family audience; a child to the right imitates the fiddler. Line engraving by T. Nicholson after D. Wilkie.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage with the aid of an assistant who is extracting a tooth from a man from the audience. Process print.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares with the aid of assistants and snakes to a captivated audience, Tianjin, China. Engraving by P. Lightfoot, 1858, after T. Allom.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares with the aid of assistants and snakes to a captivated audience, Tianjin, China. Engraving by P. Lightfoot, 1858, after T. Allom.
  • [Newspaper cutting (Illustrated Times, 24 December 1864?) of an engraving of "Commodore Nutt and Miss Minnie Warren" performing on a table to an audience of about 12 people].
  • [Newspaper cutting (Illustrated Times, 24 December 1864?) of an engraving of "Commodore Nutt and Miss Minnie Warren" performing on a table to an audience of about 12 people].
  • A man in a darkened theatre or cinema coughs and sneezes over other members of the audience, starting an epidemic of colds. Colour lithograph after R. Storm Petersen, 194-.
  • A preacher standing inside a barrel and preaching repentance arouses guilt, alarm and confusion in the minds of his audience. Engraving by T. Sanders after Tim Bobbin (John Collier).
  • An itinerant medicine vendor reciting from a piece of paper trying and sell his wares to a small audience. Facsimile reproduction of an etching by J. Both after A. Both.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage with the aid of three musicians to an audience in the ruins of a temple. Etching by J.J. de Boissieu, 1773.
  • A public square in a French port, in which a medicine vendor cries up his wares to an audience of traders and strollers. Coloured aquatint by J. Léveillé, 1785, after A. Borel.