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3,251 results
  • The British army at rest in their barracks
  • Painting: "Royal Army Medical Corps on Battlefield", WWI
  • A battle: an army wearing metal armour, and firing guns, meets an army wearing hats and breastplates, wielding swords and guns. Line engraving.
  • A soldier in the Prussian army. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • World War I: British army operating theatre near Boulogne
  • Portrait of Sir Alfred Pearce Gould, in army uniform
  • An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: a pitched battle between the imperial army (left) and the revolutionary army (right). Chromolithograph by T. Miyano.
  • Photograph: portrait of F. G. Shirreff, in army uniform, 1915
  • WWI: drawing of Royal Army Medical Corps, by F. Matania
  • John Greig FRCS, Inspector of Hospitals, Bengal Army. Oil painting.
  • Henry Mounteney Wellcome in army uniform. Photograph by Thorneycroft, 1945.
  • A uniformed soldier from the army medical staff. Watercolour, 1886.
  • Army form I 3172 : R.A.F. form 3172 : (in lifts of 50).
  • Army form I 3172 : R.A.F. form 3172 : (in lifts of 50).
  • Exeat signs of the Ding army. Four carved and painted signs.
  • Exeat signs of the Ding army. Four carved and painted signs.
  • Durga mounted on her lion fighting a demon army. Gouache drawing.
  • Two Bulgarian women arm-in-arm wearing national dress.
  • Double picture: Queen Shrimati Pramila Rani holding court for a horse sacrifice ; a battle between Arjuna and his demon army and Vabhruvahana and his human army. Transfer lithograph.
  • Drills and exercises : amendments (No. 1) / by command of the Army Council, the War Office.
  • Army Pensions Office [letterhead] : Room... Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street, Glasgow G2 8EX ....
  • In arduis fidelis : with best wishes for Christmas and the new year from / Royal Army Medical Corps.
  • In arduis fidelis : with best wishes for Christmas and the new year from / Royal Army Medical Corps.
  • Franco-Prussian War: soldiers using the new army filter-van. Wood engraving.
  • Tattooed arms
  • The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington.
  • An army entering into Jersualem by force. Coloured chromolithograph after J. Franklin.
  • An army hospital nurse in her outdoor uniform. Watercolour by C.C., 1899.
  • An army matron from the General Hospital, Dar-es-salaam, Tanganyika. Coloured lithograph.
  • Medicine chest used in the Netherlands Army, 1887, for treating cases of asphyxia.