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199 results
  • Elephant apple (Limonia acidissima L.): branch with flowers and fruit, leaf and seeds and cross-section of fruit.
  • Tropical fruits, including guava, custard apple, lemon, pompelmous and plantain bananas. Line engraving after C. de Bruin, 1706.
  • Eating out. No. 3, The cits ordinary at the Gate House Highgate, or every hog to his own apple.
  • Eating out. No. 3, The cits ordinary at the Gate House Highgate, or every hog to his own apple.
  • In the Garden of Eden, Eve offers Adam the apple. Line engraving by C. Galle after G.B. Paggi.
  • Eve picks the apple from the tree as the serpent emerges. Etching by J.E. Ridinger after himself, c. 1750.
  • Simeon holds the Christ child, who is holding an apple. Mezzotint by R. Earlom, 1778, after G. Farington after G. Reni.
  • Two plants: balsam apple (Momordica balsamina) and Oswego tea or bee balm (Monarda didyma). Coloured engraving by J. Pass, c. 1817.
  • Two flowering plants: thorn-apple (Datura stramonium) on the left and henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) on the right. Colour process print, 1924.
  • The Malcarle apple (Malus pumila cv.): two entire and two sectioned fruit. Coloured etching by W. Clark, c. 1830, after Mrs. Withers.
  • Thorn-apple or Jamestown weed (Datura stramonium): entire flowering and fruiting plant. Coloured etching by A. Duménil, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Balsam apple (Momordica balsamina L.): flowering and fruiting twining stem with separate fruit showing enclosed seeds. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1772.
  • A runaway horse has upturned an apple cart and the rider is hanging on to the reins. Etching after H.W. Bunbury.
  • Two cultivars of apple (Malus pumila): a Bùrrell's Red' and Ròyal Codling'. Coloured engraving by J. & J. Parkin, 1834, after C. Harrison.
  • An apple with a green condom instead of a fruit; representing protection against AIDS. Colour lithograph after M. Kolvenbach and G. Meyer, 199-.
  • A young man seated under a tree, peeling an apple, with a dog; cottage in the background. Soft-ground etching by S. Jenner.
  • Four examples of single flowers: a deadly nightshade, thorn apple, periwinkle and wallflower. Coloured etching by F. Sansom, c. 1802, after S. Edwards.
  • An apple (Malus pumila cv.) and pear (Pyrus communis cv.). Coloured etching with aquatint by J. & J. Parkin, c. 1836, after C. Harrison.
  • A wine apple (Malus pumila cv.): entire and sectioned fruit. Coloured etching with aquatint by J. & J. Parkin, c. 1836, after C. Harrison.
  • In the Garden of Eden, while the serpent curls around the tree of knowledge, Eve is about to taste the apple. Coloured etching, 17--.
  • Elephant apple plant (Limonia acidissima) with sectioned fruit, and two liver flukes (Fasciola species). Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1805, after J. Ihle.
  • The Virgin of Sorrows in the blossom of a flower, underneath an apple, a pear and the serpent. Coloured etching by Joh[ann] Martin Will.
  • Left, red upright strokes and diagonals around an apple; right, red diagonals, a saltire and a face in profile. Watercolour by M. Bishop, ca. 1977.
  • Rose apple (Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston): flowering branch with leaves and numbered sections of flowers. Chromolithograph by P. Depannemaeker, c.1885, after B. Hoola van Nooten.
  • Four poisonous plants: monk's hood (Aconitum napellus), deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), woody nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) and thorn-apple (Datura stramonium) Coloured engraving by J. Johnstone, 1855.
  • A girl tries to take an apple from her brother as he takes the first bite of it. Stipple engraving by W. Nutter after T. Stothard.
  • Adam and Eve by Albrecht Dürer with a red apple and green serpent; representing sex as a source of transmission of AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997 (?).
  • Four figures showing pericarp and seeds in fruits of an apple and a milkweed plant (Asclepias syriaca). Coloured etching by F. Sansom, c. 1802, after S. Edwards.
  • A toddler and his teddy bear in a high chair on which are placed a carrot and an apple; representing dental hygiene. Colour lithograph after Tllley, 1965.
  • Custard apple or Bullock's heart (Annona reticulata L.): fruiting branch with sections of fruit and seeds. Chromolithograph by P. Depannemaeker, c. 1885, after B. Hoola van Nooten.