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43 results
  • R. de Graaf Med: Doct: De virorum organis generationi inservientibus, de clysteribus et de usu siphonis in anatomia / [Reinier de Graaf].
  • R. de Graaf Med: Doct: De virorum organis generationi inservientibus, de clysteribus et de usu siphonis in anatomia / [Reinier de Graaf].
  • R. de Graaf Med: Doct: De virorum organis generationi inservientibus, de clysteribus et de usu siphonis in anatomia / [Reinier de Graaf].
  • R. de Graaf Med: Doct: De virorum organis generationi inservientibus, de clysteribus et de usu siphonis in anatomia / [Reinier de Graaf].
  • R. de Graaf Med: Doct: De virorum organis generationi inservientibus, de clysteribus et de usu siphonis in anatomia / [Reinier de Graaf].
  • Genealogical tables of Ephraim and David. Etching, c. 1700.
  • MS Japanese 12
  • MS Japanese 12
  • The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, and sundrye figures, and amongst the rest certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye / Through Jacques Guillemeau ... And now truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A. M.
  • The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, and sundrye figures, and amongst the rest certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye / Through Jacques Guillemeau ... And now truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A. M.
  • The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, and sundrye figures, and amongst the rest certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye / Through Jacques Guillemeau ... And now truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A. M.
  • The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, and sundrye figures, and amongst the rest certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye / Through Jacques Guillemeau ... And now truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A. M.
  • Chinese woodcut: Abscesses -- stomach-opening abscess, etc.