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158 results
  • rapidly, safely effective in infantile diarrhoea and gastro-enteritis : new enterfram : kaolin with framycetin - the ideal antibiotic for enteric use.
  • Trachymyrmex septentrionalis is the northernmost fungus growing ant, and is abundant in pine flat forests throughout the Eastern USA, ranging as far north as Long Island, New York. In this symbiosis, T. septentrionalis ants collect plant material and insect feces, which they feed to a specific "cultivar" fungus that they farm in underground gardens. Once the fungus has digested this food, it forms nutrient-rich swellings that the ants feed upon. The ants also protect their cultivar fungus from disease using antibiotic-producing Pseudonocardia bacteria that reside on the ants' proplueral plates (i.e., "chest"). The ants therefore both farm the cultivar fungus as their food source and protect it by "crop spraying" antibiotics produced by their symbiotic Pseudonocardia bacteria.
  • Trachymyrmex septentrionalis is the northernmost fungus growing ant, and is abundant in pine flat forests throughout the Eastern USA, ranging as far north as Long Island, New York. In this symbiosis, T. septentrionalis ants collect plant material and insect feces, which they feed to a specific "cultivar" fungus that they farm in underground gardens. Once the fungus has digested this food, it forms nutrient-rich swellings that the ants feed upon. The ants also protect their cultivar fungus from disease using antibiotic-producing Pseudonocardia bacteria that reside on the ants' proplueral plates (i.e., "chest"). The ants therefore both farm the cultivar fungus as their food source and protect it by "crop spraying" antibiotics produced by their symbiotic Pseudonocardia bacteria.
  • Nepal; Sherpa porters in the Khumbu, 1986. Well-dressed Sherpa porters prepare for a trekking expedition organised for a party of western vacationists. They will guide, bring up the rear, cook and strike camp. Such expeditions pay cash wages far in excess of anything Sherpas could hope to earn elsewhere and such income is invested in loans, cattle, land, tradeable articles and jewellery. Until the influx of mountaineering expeditions following Hillary's Everest climb (1953), western medicine was unknown in the Khumbu. Distribution of mainly analgesic and antibiotic drugs has led to misuse.
  • Microplasma
  • Wellcome 'Septrin' with bananas
  • Penicillium chrysogenum spore and hyphae
  • Penicillium chrysogenum hyphae on agar
  • Allium sativum (Garlic)
  • Penicillium mould, spore production, SEM
  • SEM Penicillium mould & spores, close-up
  • SEM Penicillium mould & spores, close-up
  • SEM Penicillium mould producing spores, v. close-up
  • Crystals of sulphanilamide
  • Common lizard lacerta vivipara family: Lacertidae : Dindevan.
  • Monkshood (Aconitum napellus. Family: Ranunculaceae) : Dindevan.
  • Monkshood (Aconitum napellus. Family: Ranunculaceae) : Dindevan.
  • Common lizard lacerta vivipara family: Lacertidae : Dindevan.
  • MRSA
  • MRSA
  • MRSA
  • Spirochete presentation in inguinal lymph node section
  • Spirochete presentation in inguinal lymph node section
  • Spirochete presentation in inguinal lymph node section
  • For chilblains Pernivit prophylaxis and treatment : housing and the British.
  • For chilblains Pernivit prophylaxis and treatment : housing and the British.
  • Una nueva era en la antibioticoterapia, Sigmamicina ... : Terramicina intramuscular  en la práctica clínica / Laboratorios Pfizer, S.A.
  • Una nueva era en la antibioticoterapia, Sigmamicina ... : Terramicina intramuscular  en la práctica clínica / Laboratorios Pfizer, S.A.
  • Suprime más rápidamente la infección, favorece la convalencia ...Terramicina SF, Tetracyna SF ...  : Nuevo para la nariz, nuevo en eficacia, en tolerancia, en aceptación, Tyzine / Laboratorios Pfizer, S.A.
  • Suprime más rápidamente la infección, facilita la convalencia ... Terramicina y la Tetracyna ...  : Nuevo para la nariz, nuevo en eficacia, en tolerancia, en aceptación, Tyzine / Laboratorios Pfizer, S.A.