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1,028 results
  • The ghost of the revolutionary politician Mirabeau giving an address. Coloured etching, 1791.
  • Change of address : Bayer Products Ltd. are moving to larger administrative headquarters ...
  • Change of address : Bayer Products Ltd. are moving to larger administrative headquarters ...
  • Post card : this side for communication, the address to be written here : 166.
  • Sangtec Medical : postal address: AB Sangtec Medical, Box 20045, S-161 02 Bromma, Sweden ...
  • 'An address to British females on the moral management of pregnancy and labour', by William Cooke
  • Address to the Earl of Selborne from the town of Heidelberg, Transvaal. Wash drawing and manuscript, 1905.
  • An address to those who are unhappily afflicted with diseases of the generative system / [Samuel Phillips Eady].
  • Pharmacia Biotech and Pharmacia Biosensor have moved : please note our new address and telephone/facsimile numbers... / Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology.
  • Darwinism, medical progress and eugenics : the Cavendish lecture, 1912 an address to the medical profession / by Karl Pearson.
  • Darwinism, medical progress and eugenics : the Cavendish lecture, 1912 an address to the medical profession / by Karl Pearson.
  • Darwinism, medical progress and eugenics : the Cavendish lecture, 1912 an address to the medical profession / by Karl Pearson.
  • Darwinism, medical progress and eugenics : the Cavendish lecture, 1912 an address to the medical profession / by Karl Pearson.
  • Darwinism, medical progress and eugenics : the Cavendish lecture, 1912 an address to the medical profession / by Karl Pearson.
  • Cow pox : Copy of Mr. Lane's address to the inhabitants of Arundel, dated May 17, 1810 / Charles Lane.
  • Robert Koch reading his address to a conference at St. James's Hall, Piccadilly. Gouache by F.C. Dickinson, 1901.
  • Darwinism, medical progress and eugenics : the Cavendish lecture, 1912 an address to the medical profession / by Karl Pearson.
  • Hôpital Temporaire, d'Arc-en-Barrois (Haute-Marne) : post card : the address to be written on this side.
  • Hôpital Temporaire, d'Arc-en-Barrois (Haute-Marne) : post card : the address to be written on this side.
  • Her Majesty Queen Victoria visiting the London Hospital, Whitechapel: the Duke of Cambridge giving the loyal address. Wood engraving, 1876.
  • Maria-Rosa Casabona, struck by apoplexy, is revived by an address of the blessed Francesco Saverio Maria Bianchi. Process print.
  • Peabody Institute, South Danvers, Massachusetts: the address of welcome ceremony. Coloured lithograph by I.H. Bradford & Co. after W. Snell.
  • A horned devil is writing the word address with his claw. Wood engraving by S.M. Slader after T. Landseer, ca. 1830.
  • The Baynes lectures / for further information concerning these lectures and for terms, dates, etc. please address Miss Elizabeth F. Bennett, Meriden N.H.
  • The Baynes lectures / for further information concerning these lectures and for terms, dates, etc. please address Miss Elizabeth F. Bennett, Meriden N.H.
  • The Baynes lectures / for further information concerning these lectures and for terms, dates, etc. please address Miss Elizabeth F. Bennett, Meriden N.H.
  • The Baynes lectures / for further information concerning these lectures and for terms, dates, etc. please address Miss Elizabeth F. Bennett, Meriden N.H.
  • Saint Ignatius of Loyola: the Virgin and Christ Child appear to him and address him. Engraving by P. Perfetti, 1759, after G.B. Cignaroli.
  • A series of engravings, explaining the course of the nerves. With an address to young physicians on the study of the nerves / [Sir Charles Bell].
  • The concluding task of the disciples of homoeopathy: an address, delivered to ... the British Homoeopathic Association; together with a report of proceedings, connected with the formation of a London Homoeopathic Hospital, [and address on the transference of the future energies of the members of the British Homoeopathic Association to the maintenance of a London Homoeopathic Hospital] / [Marmaduke B. Sampson].