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48 results
  • Sick looking men, women and children with the question what does a person with AIDS look like; one of a series of educational posters issued by the Committed Communities Development Trust in Mumbai. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A gloved hand holding up a bird cage inscribed 'Blood bank' containing the HIV virus cell with the warning 'No escape for AIDS'; an advertisement issued by Ortho Diagnostic Systems, a division of Johnson & Johnson Limited. Colour lithograph, ca. 1998.
  • A dripping blood transfusion bag with the warning 'ensure it is AIDS free' and a pink ticket bearing the lettering 'Certified HIV free'; an advertisement issued by Ortho Diagnostic Systems. Colour lithograph, ca. 1998.
  • A black woman preparing to go out by brushing her hair, applying lipstick, attaching an earring and putting a condom in her bag with a message about the benefits of using a condom to prevent AIDS; advertisement by HERO, Health Education Resource Organisation, Baltimore. Lithograph by HEROglyphics, 1990.
  • Death is challenged by a crusader representing the Red Cross; advertising the Third Red Cross Roll Call for the improvement of public health. Colour lithograph, 1919.
  • Death is challenged by a crusader representing the Red Cross; advertising the Third Red Cross Roll Call for the improvement of public health. Colour lithograph, 1919.
  • Stop AIDS Kanagawa campaign
  • A blue figure covered in pink arrows representing an advertisement for the Stop AIDS Kanagawa campaign as part of the 10th International Conference on AIDS and STD in 1994. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A blue figure covered in pink arrows representing an advertisement for the Stop AIDS Kanagawa campaign as part of the 10th International Conference on AIDS and STD in 1994. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • The back view of a naked man and woman walking hand in hand representing a safe-sex and AIDS-prevention advertisement to promote World AIDS Day by the Japanese Women's AIDS Foundation in association with the cosmetic company, Sheseido. Colour lithograph, 1988.
  • Anti-AIDS advert by Infoshare International
  • A young man and a woman finish painting a poster advertisement about AIDS featuring a body with crossed out symbols; a young man and woman on the left discuss the issues raised in the poster with their colleagues; an advertisement about AIDS and youths by Federal Agency for Clear Health, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Youth, Family, Women and Health. Colour lithograph, 1988.
  • The female sign incorporating the faces of five women who work in the AIDS field with a list of list of HIV-related conditions common in women by the Maricopa Area Health Education Center. Colour lithograph by Jeff Dorgay and Creative Syndicate.
  • An information sheet about AIDS for parents, teachers and students with 7 questions and answers and illustrations on how AIDS is not transmitted; an advertisement by the Federal Minister for Youth, Family, Women and Health. Colour lithograph by Mike Biele, Papen and Design Werkstatt.
  • Two views of the back of a naked man one in pink, the other in pale blue with information on hepatitis B in relation to AIDS and HIV; a two-sided information leaflet written by Dr. Friedrich Chaban published by Hein & Fiete, Hamburg's gay information centre. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • Two views of the back of a naked man one in pink, the other in pale blue with information on hepatitis B in relation to AIDS and HIV; a two-sided information leaflet written by Dr. Friedrich Chaban published by Hein & Fiete, Hamburg's gay information centre. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • Red apples representing healty living with a message about how AIDS patients can learn to live with the disease with the help of the assistance of the Diocesan Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Cologne eV AIDS-Hilfe Unit. Colour lithograph by Hüsch & Hüsch Aachen and Werbung.
  • President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush represented as members of "the Rich White Penis Club", with speech bubbles; anti-government protest about US AIDS policies by Enema Productions. Photocopy.