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614 results
  • A man being brought in by boat apparently drowned, his wife and family grieve on the shore. Watercolour by R. Smirke.
  • The climate of London, deduced from meteorological observations, made in the Metropolis, and at various places around it / by Luke Howard.
  • A man recuperating in bed at a receiving-house of the Royal Humane Society, after resuscitation by W. Hawes and J.C. Lettsom from near drowning. Engraving by R. Pollard, 1787, after R. Smirke.
  • A man recuperating in bed at a receiving-house of the Royal Humane Society, after resuscitation by W. Hawes and J.C. Lettsom from near drowning. Engraving by R. Pollard, 1787, after R. Smirke.
  • A man being brought in by boat apparently drowned, his wife and family grieve on the shore. Engraving by R. Pollard, 1787, after R. Smirke.
  • A man being brought in by boat apparently drowned, his wife and family grieve on the shore. Engraving by R. Pollard, 1787, after R. Smirke.
  • A man being brought in by boat apparently drowned, his wife and family grieve on the shore. Engraving by R. Pollard, 1787, after R. Smirke.
  • A man recuperating in bed at a receiving-house of the Royal Humane Society, after resuscitation by W. Hawes and J.C. Lettsom from near drowning. Engraving by R. Pollard, 1787, after R. Smirke.
  • Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London.
  • Outlines of human physiology / By Herbert Mayo.
  • A treatise of the diseases of tradesmen ... / now done into English.
  • A practical essay on the club-foot, and other distortions in the legs and feet of children, intended to shew under what circumstances they are curable, or otherwise; with thirty-one cases that have been ... treated by the method for which the author has obtained the King's patent, and the specification of the patent for that purpose ... As well as for curing distortions of the spine, and every other deformity that can be remedied by mechanical applications / By T. Sheldrake.
  • A treatise on the diseases of children / [Michael Underwood].
  • A practical essay on the club-foot, and other distortions in the legs and feet of children, intended to shew under what circumstances they are curable, or otherwise; with thirty-one cases that have been ... treated by the method for which the author has obtained the King's patent, and the specification of the patent for that purpose ... As well as for curing distortions of the spine, and every other deformity that can be remedied by mechanical applications / By T. Sheldrake.
  • Practical observations on the use of oxygen, or vital air, in the cure of diseases. To which are added a few experiments on the vegetation of plants. Part I / By D. Hill.
  • Ioannis Caii britanni De medendi methodo libri duo, ex Cl. Galeni Pergameni, et Jo. Baptistae Montani Veronenis, principum medicorum, sententia. Opus utile, & jam primum natum.
  • The Royal Institution, Albemarle Street: the laboratory. Engraving by J. Basire, 1818, after W. Tite.
  • The Royal Institution, Albemarle Street: the laboratory. Engraving by J. Basire, 1818, after W. Tite.
  • Ioannis Caii britanni De medendi methodo libri duo, ex Cl. Galeni Pergameni, et Jo. Baptistae Montani Veronenis, principum medicorum, sententia. Opus utile, & jam primum natum.
  • Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regii Medicorum Edinburgensis.
  • Ioannis Caii britanni De medendi methodo libri duo, ex Cl. Galeni Pergameni, et Jo. Baptistae Montani Veronenis, principum medicorum, sententia. Opus utile, & jam primum natum.
  • [The Canon ... a system of medicine, to which is added his compendium of Aristotelian philosophy, entitled al-Najāt, an abridgement of his larger work al-Shifā.] [Kitāb al-Qānūn fī al-ṭibb (romanized form)] / [Avicenna].
  • [The Canon ... a system of medicine, to which is added his compendium of Aristotelian philosophy, entitled al-Najāt, an abridgement of his larger work al-Shifā.] [Kitāb al-Qānūn fī al-ṭibb (romanized form)] / [Avicenna].
  • Traité des maladies canceŕeuses / ouvrage posthume de G.L. Bayle ; revu, augmenté et publié par son neveu A.L.J. Bayle.
  • [The Canon ... a system of medicine, to which is added his compendium of Aristotelian philosophy, entitled al-Najāt, an abridgement of his larger work al-Shifā.] [Kitāb al-Qānūn fī al-ṭibb (romanized form)] / [Avicenna].
  • [The Canon ... a system of medicine, to which is added his compendium of Aristotelian philosophy, entitled al-Najāt, an abridgement of his larger work al-Shifā.] [Kitāb al-Qānūn fī al-ṭibb (romanized form)] / [Avicenna].
  • [The Canon ... a system of medicine, to which is added his compendium of Aristotelian philosophy, entitled al-Najāt, an abridgement of his larger work al-Shifā.] [Kitāb al-Qānūn fī al-ṭibb (romanized form)] / [Avicenna].
  • A body covered with a blanket lying on a heated bath for the purpose of resuscitation. Etching, 1790.
  • Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirurgica, hucusque edita / [Frederik Ruysch].
  • Observationum rariorum analecta / [Nicolaas Fonteyn].