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41 results filtered with: Austria
  • Blood donation to save life. Colour lithograph by H. Fabigan, 195- (?) for the Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz.
  • [Fund raising sticker for the Austrian Red Cross featuring Prinz Eugen].
  • [1882 ten Gulden lottery ticket in aid of the Austrian Red Cross. Shoes horse-drawn ambulances and nurses in a ward of sick / wounded].
  • [5 fund raising stickers for the Austrian Red Cross featuring rehabilitation, nursing and transport of wounded soldiers].
  • Bando : essendosi dilatato il Male Contagioso anche in Neustat, e Praga, & in altre città della Germania, per la quale dilatazione da signori della Sanità di Venezia sono state bandite le dette città, e loro vicini ...  / G.M. Estense Tassoni.
  • Four black silhouette figures behind the words 'AktionsMuseum im alten Schlachthor Wels' representing an advertisement for an event in aid of those with HIV and AIDS at the alten Schlachthor in Wels, Austria between 2 and 8 December 1994. Colour lithograph.
  • [Fund raising sticker for the Austrian Red Cross featuring Karl Erzherzog].
  • [1882 ten Gulden lottery ticket in aid of the Austrian Red Cross. Shoes horse-drawn ambulances and nurses in a ward of sick / wounded].
  • [Fund raising sticker for the Austrian Red Cross featuring Schwarzenberg].
  • Dangerous situations in factories: six scenes. Colour lithograph after Sompek, 1929.
  • Dangerous situations in factories: six scenes. Colour lithograph after Sompek, 1929.
  • [5 fund raising stickers for the Austrian Red Cross featuring rehabilitation, nursing and transport of wounded soldiers].
  • Two elephants coupling with the message in German 'only with a condom' representing an advertisement for 10 years of AIDS of the AIDS-Hilfen in Austria. Colour lithograph by Buenos Dias.
  • A graph showing statistics for serious industrial accidents in Austria, 1927-1933: a devil tries to raise the statistics, workers with ropes try to lower them. Colour lithograph, ca. 1934.
  • Civil engineering: railway bridges at Kaunas. Lithograph by J. R. Jobbins after F. H. Horne.
  • Ost-Deutsche Post. No.223, Wien, Sonntag den 7. Oktober. 1849.
  • [5 fund raising stickers for the Austrian Red Cross featuring rehabilitation, nursing and transport of wounded soldiers].
  • Vortrag des Herrn Regierungs-Rathes Dr. Knolz über die Reform des Medicinalwesens Oesterreichs, gehalten in der Plenar-Versammlung der medicinischen Facultät am 27. März 1848.
  • Builders on a wooden scaffold let a bucket and some bricks fall down into the street. Colour lithograph after G. Kurt, 192-.
  • [5 fund raising stickers for the Austrian Red Cross featuring rehabilitation, nursing and transport of wounded soldiers].
  • Bando : essendosi dilatato il Male Contagioso anche in Neustat, e Praga, & in altre città della Germania, per la quale dilatazione da signori della Sanità di Venezia sono state bandite le dette città, e loro vicini ...  / G.M. Estense Tassoni.
  • Civil engineering: viaducts in Austria. Lithograph by W. West after F. H. Horne.
  • [Fund raising sticker for the Austrian Red Cross featuring Radstzky (?)].
  • Ost-Deutsche Post. No.223, Wien, Sonntag den 7. Oktober. 1849.
  • Carolus der Sechste von Gottes Genaden Erwöhlter Römischer Kayser zu allen Zeiten Mehrer deß Reichs, König in Spanien, Hungarn un Böhaimb etc. : Entbieten allen und jeden Unseren Hof-Raths-Praesidenten, Vitzthumben ... Unseren Gruß und Gnad zuvor und fügen denselben zuwissen, demnach bekandt, was gestalten vor einem Jahr in dem Königreich Hungaren sich eine gefährliche Seuche gezaigt, welche anheur auch in dem Ertz-Hertzogthumb Under-Österreich under einigen Persohnen verspürret würdet ... München den 18 Monats-Tag Augusti, Anno 1713.
  • Das alte medizinische Wien in zeitgenössischen Schilderungen / von Max Neuberger.
  • [Fund raising sticker for the Austrian Red Cross featuring Tegetthoff (?)].
  • High-level building maintenance workers using a harness for safety. Colour lithograph after Sompek, 1929.
  • A German army medical officer treating a wounded man who is supported by a third soldier, in the open air. Coloured lithograph, c.1870.
  • Vortrag des Herrn Regierungs-Rathes Dr. Knolz über die Reform des Medicinalwesens Oesterreichs, gehalten in der Plenar-Versammlung der medicinischen Facultät am 27. März 1848.