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48 results filtered with: Advertisement
  • Advert for Guy's Tonic, to aid indigestion and nervousness, showing a nurse pouring the tonic into a measuring cup
  • Advert for Superior Worm Cake, Affidavit for Lambier health
  • Whist Card advertising Hammond's Optical Service
  • Advert for Folley and Sons, the high-class grocers and provision merchant, based at The Castle Stores, Launceston
  • Advertisements from The Chemist and Drugist 1880
  • Advert for Harness' Magnetic Corsets which shows two woman, one seated and one standing, wearing the corsets. Available from The Medical Battery Co. Ltd. 52 Oxford Street, London
  • Set of labels from Stanley and Co. chemist shop, Leamington.
  • Show card advertising a lecture by Dr. Sun Yat Sen and Mr James Cantlie on "Things Chinese" which is to be held at St Martin's Town Hall, Charing Cross Road, London, on Thursday March 11th
  • Fold out leaflet for Faulding's "Emu" brand Eucalyptus Oil, used on a dressing for cuts and wounds as an antiseptic, made by F. H. Faulding and Co. Ltd, Australia
  • Advert for Borwick's Baking Powder showing Father Christmas carrying a large Christmas pudding on a tray. The head of Father Christmas is movable
  • Man suffering from gout being offered a remedy
  • Advert for Fry's Pure Concentrated Cocoa showing a young girl with her eyes open (the second image shows the young girl with her eyes closed)
  • Advert reccommending chest X-rays
  • Advert for an indoor swimming pool, Venez Nager au Bassin Couvert, at 151 Rue de Dison, Verviers
  • Price and instructions for the use of Lambiers cure for Toothe-ache, Rheum in the gums or scurvy, deafness and head-ache's
  • Advert for Borwick's Baking Powder showing Father Christmas carrying a large Christmas pudding on a tray. The head of Father Christmas is movable
  • Advertisements from The Chemist and Drugist 1880
  • Advert for Mr Smedley's Dental Surgery offering modern dentistry and reduced fees to servants and others of limited means. Picture of a smiling woman with ornate hairdo.
  • Advertisement for insulin, Burroughs Wellcome, 1930
  • Advert for Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound" to be used for all female complaints, showing a young girl wearing a red hat
  • Advertisement, ergot, Burroughs Wellcome, 1929
  • Advertisement for 'Double Microscope' 1764.
  • University of Chicago football advertisement
  • Advert for Mr Smaedley's Dental Surgery
  • Engravings: advertisment for anaesthetist's bags.
  • Advert for Kimmond's Table Waters
  • Leflet advertising a Turner & Robertshaw toilet
  • Advertisements from The Chemist and Drugist 1880
  • Advert for Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites showing a fisher man smoking a pipe
  • Advert, scarlet fever treatment, Burroughs Wellcome, 1929