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192 results filtered with: Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V
  • A man in a striped t-shirt with his arm around another man who helps him to walk down a hospital corridor with a wheelchair and drip stand near by; with an appeal for support for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe donation account for the special care of the sick. Colour lithograph by Ingo Taubhorn and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • 605760695 : vom Liebestöter zum Lebensretter... / Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ; Konzept und Gestaltung Ninja v. Oertzen ; Foto: Jan Kornstaedt.
  • A rent-boy leans against a bar holding a glass with a message endorsing safe sex. Colour lithograph for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 199-.
  • A naked man lying submerged in sand on a beach; representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph, 199-, after Michael Rock, 1986.
  • The naked torsos of two men touch with a message about AIDS and safer sex; an advertisement by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph, 1984/1985.
  • A British postage stamp including a portrait of the film-actor Stan Laurel, representing monthly meetings for HIV-positive people at the Kultur+ Café, Berlin. Colour lithograph after Kintscher, ca. 1993.
  • Verso of poster showing a woman who is HIV-positive faces the prospect of living with the condition. Colour lithograph after R. Westerwelle, 1994.
  • A gay man helping his partner who is disabled and has AIDS; an advertisement for caring for disabled partners with AIDS. Colour lithograph by M. Taubenheim and W. Mudra for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Two men engage in oral sex in a public toilet; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • Public AIDS Symposium in Berlin on 28 November 1992
  • A face with a tongue hanging out lit from the right with a series of smaller photographs of men and women in changing coloured borders; advertising a congress for people living with HIV and AIDS. Colour lithograph by Norbert Heuler and Detlev Pusch, 1990.
  • A man shielding his eyes from the body of a dead AIDS victim; advertisement a mourning procession for AIDS patients in Berlin Colour lithograph.
  • Ich will dich, du willst mich, ganz klar. Colour lithograph by D.U.T.T.A. and Augenblitz.
  • Vergolde deinen Schwanz / Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ; Foto F. Baumhauer ; Gestaltung W. Mudra.
  • Nicht um jeden Preis : aber sicher : beim Bumsen und Blasen schützt ein Gummi vor sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten / Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ; Foto Norbert Heuler ; Gestaltung Detlev Pusch.
  • A naked man is held up by another; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and Wolfgang Mudra for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Mr Leather International promoting safe sex for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Lithograph, 1987.
  • A woman who is HIV-positive faces the prospect of living with the condition. Colour lithograph after R. Westerwelle, 1994.
  • Bewusst leben : Sexualität hat viele Möglichkeiten. Safer Sex heißt, seine Phantasie zu benutzen. Und das Kondom / Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ; Foto Norbert Heuler ;Gestaltung Detlev Pusch.
  • Pocket guide to healthy sex : for men who have sex with men / produced by the Lothian Gay Men's Health Group ... illustrations reproduced by kind permission of Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe.
  • A naked man lies beside a naked woman with a sheet wrapped around her; he holds her hand in which she holds a condom packet; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph.
  • Selbstbewusst schwul : selbstbewusst positiv / Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ; Foto I. Taubhorn; Gestaltung W. Mudra.
  • A woman in a black and white dress singing next to a microphone with a man as their band members play the drums and guitar in the background; an advertisement for support for those with AIDS by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • Wie man sich bettet, so liebt man : Bisexualität ist eine Möglichkeit : Kondome können schützen / Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ; Foto F. Baumhauer ; Gestaltung W. Mudra.
  • Hast du Lust? : Klar, aber Safer Sex! : na gut, probieren wir's / Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ; Illustration Hans-Heinrich Salmon.
  • A group of men of different race stand in a line smiling with their arms around each other; includes a message about the similarities of being gay and mixed race; an advertisement about AIDS prevention by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • A woman and a man sit on a bed staring at a condom as if it floats magically mid-air; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • A man who overcame an aversion to spinach advising HIV-positive people not to give up hope of living but to seek counselling. Colour lithograph by Projekt-PR and C. Padberg after A. Buss for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • A naked man makes a telephone call to number '175' and gets no connexion; advertising the AIDS helpline by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe and AIDS-Hilfe DDR. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and Wolfgang Mudra, 1990.
  • Verso of poster showing a young lesbian woman who is HIV-positive comments on the sexual needs of those living with the condition. Colour lithograph after R. Westerwelle, 1994.