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100 results
  • Franco-Prussian War: Society for the Relief of the Sick and Wounded, London office Wood engraving.
  • An abstract of certain instructions given the Commissioners for taking care of the sick and wounded men, for the relief of widows, children and impotent parents of such as shall be slain in His Majesties service at sea.
  • Carlist War, Spain: Spanish sick and wounded being carried on board the "Somorrostro". Wood engraving by I. Nash.
  • An American soldier lying wounded; analogous to the sufferings of a plague victim. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Tending the sick and wounded after a battle. Tinted mezzotint by J.C. Rugendas after G.P. Rugendas, 1698.
  • Army medical officers in the field constructing stretchers with logs and straw which are then pulled by a horse. Watercolour.
  • Burma: a wounded political officer being carried on a stretcher. Wood engraving by P. Naumann, 1889, after W.B. Wollen.
  • Wounded soldiers being taken to hospital by ambulance. Wood engraving by J. Gaildrau, 1854.
  • A Red Crescent nurse is sitting at the bedside of a wounded soldier with a bandage over his eyes; she is reading him a letter. Colour process print.
  • Soldiers being offered medical help behind the battlefield. Lithograph.
  • 8th Xhosa War: British soldiers bearing a wounded man on a stretcher and supplies through jungle. Lithograph, ca. 1852.
  • An ambulance corps at work in the field. Halftone.
  • Russo-Japanese War: a street scene in Tokyo with wounded Japanese sitting in a cart. Pen and ink drawing by D. MacPherson, 1904.
  • Boer War: Red Cross ambulance cars at Pretoria station for the wounded Boers. Reproduction after a sketch by G. Soper after Leoff.
  • Boer War: searching for the wounded from the battlefield at night. Watercolour sketch by F. Craig, 1899.
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers being tended at Klip's Drift. Process print after R. Thiele.
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers being tended at Klip's Drift. Process print after R. Thiele.
  • Franco-Prussian War: war relief packages to wounded German soldiers from the Prussian Embasssy. Wood engraving.
  • Boer War: treating and looking for the wounded at the battlefield. Process print after F. Craig.
  • Ambulancemen picking up the wounded from a battlefield. Line engraving.
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers lying inside a hospital train. Halftone, c.1900.
  • Sthenelos bandaging the wounded finger of Diomedes. Ink drawing by S.W. Kelly, 1937, after a Chalcidian neck-amphora c. 550 B.C.
  • The death of Sir Philip Sidney at the battle of Zutphen: he passes a water-flask to a fellow soldier. Mezzotint by J. Jones after G. Carter, 1782.
  • The death of Sir Phillip Sidney at the battle of Zutphen. Line engraving by W. Greatbach after Sir D. Wilkie.
  • The death of Sir Philip Sidney at the battle of Zutphen. Line engraving.
  • Boer War: arrival of the sick and wounded at Grand Central Freight Depot for transportation. Pen and ink drawing by A. Weil.
  • Boer War: the work of the Natal volunteer ambulance force. Reproduction after a photograph by A.L. Twite after F. Dadd.
  • World War One: a young soldier lies dying in a woman's arms on a deserted battlefield. Colour halftone, c. 1915, after D. Tennant.
  • First World War: two soldiers, one badly wounded, being comforted on the battlefield by a vision of Christ. Colour halftone after G. Hillyard Swinstead, 1915.
  • Boer War: a group of soldiers wounded during the siege of Kimberley, South Africa. Process print after Bennett, 1899.