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37 results
  • A foppish fumigator holding a print of a birthing chair (?). Etching, 1772.
  • Device for fumigating letters.
  • Ship fumigation using hydrogen cyanide: equipment on deck. Photograph by P. G. Stock, 1900/1920.
  • The anti-malaria school, Nettuno, Italy: a wooden trunk and its contents: fumigation equipment. Photograph, 1918/1937 (?).
  • Ship fumigation using hydrogen cyanide: an operator wearing protective oxygen breathing apparatus. Photograph by P. G. Stock, 1900/1920.
  • Ship fumigation using hydrogen cyanide: the outside of the ship showing portholes. Photograph by P. G. Stock, 1900/1920.
  • Ship fumigation using hydrogen cyanide: metal jugs and other equipment on deck. Photograph by P. G. Stock, 1900/1920.
  • Fumigating a building (to destroy typhus-carrying lice ?) with the Clayton Type B machine, England (?). Photograph, 1910/1930.
  • Ship fumigation using hydrogen cyanide: an operator pouring cyanide solution into a funnel. Photograph by P. G. Stock, 1900/1920.
  • Nouvelle méthode de traiter les maladies vénériennes, par la fumigation: avec les procès-verbaux des guérisons opérés / [Pierre Lalouette].
  • Ship fumigation using hydrogen cyanide: operators at work with metal funnels on board the ship. Photograph by P. G. Stock, 1900/1920.
  • Medical researches on caloric or dry baths, on vapour baths and on general or partial fumigations / Translated ... by J. Short.
  • Solomon Eagle striding through plague ridden London with burning coals on his head, trying to fumigate the air. Chalk drawing by E.M. Ward, 1848.
  • Solomon Eagle striding through plague ridden London with burning coals on his head, trying to fumigate the air. Chalk drawing by E.M. Ward, 1848.
  • Solomon Eagle striding through plague ridden London with burning coals on his head, trying to fumigate the air. Chalk drawing by E.M. Ward, 1848.
  • Solomon Eagle striding through plague ridden London with burning coals on his head, trying to fumigate the air. Chalk drawing by E.M. Ward, 1848.
  • Cistus incanus ssp creticus Juss. Cistaceae. Rock Rose. Distribution: Crete. Interesting symbiosis with fungus called Tuber melanosporum which increases nutrient absorption for the plant and inhibits growth of other plants in the vicinity. It is a source of the resin ‘labdanum’ (a.k.a. ‘ladanum’) used in perfumes (similar smell to ambergris), as is Cistus ladanifer. It has no medical uses now, and such use was dwindling even in the 18th century. In the 16th century (Henry Lyte’s 1575 translation of Rembert Dodoen’s Cruydeboeck of 1554) its uses were described (directly copied from Dioscorides’ Materia Medica (70AD)) as: ‘Ladanum dronketh with olde wine, stoppeth the laske [periods], and provoketh urine. It is very good against the hardness of the matrix or mother [uterus] layde to in the manner of a pessarie, and it draweth down the secondes or afterbirth, when it is layde upon quicke coles [hot coals], and the fumigation or parfume thereof be received up into the body of women. // The same applied to the head with Myrrhe and oyle of Myrrhe, cureth the scurffe, called Alopecia, and keepeth the heare [hair] from falling of [sic], but whereas it is already fallen away, it will not cause the heare to growe agayne. // ...' and goes on in this vein about its uses for pain in the ears, and removing sores and scars and other things. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A physician examining a urine flask of a scantily dressed attractive woman who is in bed surrounded by her mother, lover and servant. Engraving by A.F. David after J.B. Leprince.
  • K. Schiller: prescription for asthma
  • Nettuno, Italy: a thatched hut being covered by sheeting by Italian men. Photograph, 1918/1937 (?).
  • Dragon arum (Dracunculus vulgaris Schott): leaf and base of stem with tuber. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1774.
  • Il Magistrato, e Conservatori Generali della Sanità in Torino residenti / Razan, segr.
  • Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. Asteraceae. Plains coreopsis. Golden tickseed. Distribution: North America. Used by Cherokee as an infusion for diarrhoea. Drunk by the Lakota as a tea. Zuni women drink infusion of plant, minus roots, if they wish to have female babies
  • Chinese woodcut: Bone-setting devices
  • Chinese woodcut: Instruments of petty surgery (3)
  • Ming herbal (painting): Fig
  • Ming herbal (painting): Thorn apple
  • Healthcare and prevention of disease in Communist China. Colour lithographs, 195-.
  • Healthcare and prevention of disease in Communist China. Colour lithographs, 195-.
  • Healthcare and prevention of disease in Communist China. Colour lithographs, 195-.