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50 results
  • Ronald Ross, discoverer and creator / by R.L. Mégroz ; with a preface by Osbert Sitwell.
  • A mouth representing 'information', a child's hand touching an adults representing 'prevention', a bird in flight representing 'research' and an eye representing 'AIDS patients'; an advertisement by AIDES, the support group for those with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph by Pascal Rivet Concept.
  • A pile of ironing with an iron, a lamp with an open book and pair of glasses and a basket of fruit representing an advertisement for home-care services offered by AIDES, the support group for those with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph by Compagnie Corporate and Frank Dieleman.
  • The faces of couples and individual men and women with their comments on AIDS issues; advertisement for the SIDA Info Service. Colour lithograph by L'Agence Verte.
  • The words "Liebe-sicher!" ("safe sex") with a list of condom makes below; advertising safe sex and the AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by JaldolGRAPHIX.
  • The faces of two women, a clock and some pills representing an advertisement by the SIDA Info Service and AIDES, the support group for those with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph by Création Question d'Édition and Amos.
  • A pile of ironing with an iron, a lamp with an open book and pair of glasses and a basket of fruit representing an advertisement for home-care services offered by AIDES, the support group for those with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph by Compagnie Corporate and Frank Dieleman.
  • A couple with their baby in a sun-lit scene with the message in French: "each day in France 2 babies are born with HIV"; an advertisement by AIDES, the support group for those with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • A red telephone cord twisted in the shape of the AIDS red ribbon with the increasing statistics of AIDS victims: "1st January 1985: 200 sick; 1st January 1995: 40,000 sick"; includes a block of text explaining the need for the SIDA Info Service. Colour lithograph by L'Agence Verte.
  • A red telephone cord twisted in the shape of the AIDS red ribbon with the increasing statistics of AIDS victims: "1st January 1984: 200 sick; 1st January 1994: 40,000 sick"; includes a block of text explaining the need for the SIDA Info Service. Colour lithograph by L'Agence Verte.
  • A red telephone cord twisted in the shape of the AIDS red ribbon with a message that friends, lovers and those who support gays affected by AIDS also need to be heard; an advertisement for the SIDA Info Service in association with World AIDS Day, 1 December. Colour lithograph by L'Agence Verte.
  • The coast of a land mass with sea viewed from above; advertising an international exhibition of AIDS posters. Colour lithograph by Intégral Ruedi Baur et Associés.
  • The sea from above with land partially hidden by clouds with blue circles and half circles; representing an advertisement for an exhibition of AIDS posters by ARTIS. Colour lithograph by Intégral Ruedi Baur et associés.
  • A condom with the message "Guarenteed content of vitamins: aaah and hmm ... condoms - have you tried them?" with listed brands below; advertisement by AIDES, Association de lutte contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph by R. Turqueti.
  • A condom with the message "with vanilla and lots of good things inside ... taste vanilla, coconut raspberry, mint or chocolate. Condoms - have you tried them?" with listed brands below; advertisement by AIDES, Association de lutte contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph by R. Turqueti.
  • Samuel Sambursky. Photograph by Alfred Bernheim.
  • A naked man makes a telephone call to number '175' and gets no connexion; advertising the AIDS helpline by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe and AIDS-Hilfe DDR. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and Wolfgang Mudra, 1990.
  • Blood clot on a sticking plaster
  • Hippopotamuses with elephants in African jungle, representing the Behemoth of the Old Testament. Colour wood engraving attributed to Edmund Evans, 1867.
  • Goddess Hathor feeding her son Ihy, wall relief
  • Johann Caspar Spurzheim. Lithograph by J.H. Bufford after A. Fisher.
  • Chinese woodcut, Famous medical figures: Emperor Fuxi
  • Saint Gothard wearing episcopal dress as bishop of Hildesheim; church in the background, with roundels showing miracles attributed to him. Engraving by G.M. Riva, 17--.
  • Plants growing by a fallen tree. Pencil drawing by A. Storer.
  • Chinese woodcut, Famous medical figures: Portrait of Qibo
  • A saint appeals to Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) for help in asserting the Trinity and resisting the monster of heresy. Engraving.
  • Chinese woodcut, Famous medical figures: Huangfu Mi
  • Chinese woodcut, Famous medical figures: Shen Nong
  • Chinese woodcut, Famous medical figures: Wei Cizang
  • Moth wing scales