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44 results
  • Drugs and AIDS : 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. Wednesday, 17th May, 1989 : Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JQ.
  • Drugs and AIDS : 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. Wednesday, 17th May, 1989 : Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JQ.
  • Sex & drugs, H.I.V. & A.I.D.S. / written by Central London Action on Street Health.
  • Sex & drugs, H.I.V. & A.I.D.S. / written by Central London Action on Street Health.
  • Sex & drugs, H.I.V. & A.I.D.S. / written by Central London Action on Street Health.
  • Sex & drugs, H.I.V. & A.I.D.S. / written by Central London Action on Street Health.
  • The Addictions Forum in association with The Alcohol Research Group - the University of Edinburgh present the Third National Conference on Drugs & AIDS ... : 3 and 4 November 1992, Queen Mother Conference Centre, Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH12 1JQ.
  • A woman pushes a trolley down a dilapidated street in Lima, Peru representing poverty; with 4 smaller images depicting social issues associated with AIDS including packets of money in bank safes, drugs and male prostitutes; an AIDS prevention advertisement by Pecos, the Programa Especial de Control del SIDA. Colour lithograph by Juan L. Gargurevich, ca. 1995.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: reconstruction of a seventeenth-century Turkish drug shop. Photograph.
  • Nepal; street cleaning in Kathmandu, 1986. In the mid-1980s, Kathmandu was a mix of medieval architecture and urban sprawl. Television was a late-comer to Nepal but by the 1980s, the skyline of urban areas had become peppered with television aerials. Copying western culture and values became fashionable, and drug addiction amongst the young increased significantly during the decade.
  • A street scene in Cairo with a street seller at work. Coloured lithograph by J. C. Bourne, c. 1840, after O. B. Carter.
  • A young man buying a potion (to induce falling in love?) from a street medicine vendor from Molière's play L'amour médecin. Engraving after J.B. Molière.
  • Shops of hashish merchants on a street in Cairo. Chromolithograph by A. Preziosi, c. 1850, after himself.
  • The piazza outside St Paul's church, Covent Garden, London, full of people selling their wares: a man is holding a placard advertising the products of Doctor Rock, a medicine vendor, and is holding up a bottle of the medicine. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1738.
  • Manfredus instructing students in the properties of plants, or discussing plants with other naturalists. Watercolour, 19--.
  • An apothecary, John Simmonds, and his boy apprentice, William, working in the laboratory of John Bell's pharmacy. Engraving by J.G. Murray, 1842, after W.H. Hunt.
  • The shop of a tooth-drawer, barber, apothecary and blood-letter called "Dickey Gossip", with a song about him. Process print, 1931, after an etching, 1795.
  • The shop of a tooth-drawer, barber, apothecary and blood-letter called "Dickey Gossip", with a song about him. Process print, 1931, after an etching, 1795.
  • A tree showing the evolution of health care in the twentieth century. Colour print by J. Galloway and R. Richards, 2011.
  • A woman holds a syringe as if smoking a cigarette watched by a black man in a green tracksuit and another in a grey dinner suit; warning about drugs, needle-sharing and safe sex practices to prevent AIDS by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for AIDS Education. Colour lithograph.
  • A medicine seller: shaking a rattle to attract attention, and carrying a notice and a cloth bundle containing drugs. Watercolour by Zhou Pei Qun, ca. 1890.
  • A medicine seller: shaking a rattle to attract attention, and carrying a notice and a cloth bundle containing drugs. Watercolour by Zhou Pei Qun, ca. 1890.
  • A native North American wearing an animal's head and feathered accessories with a schedule of events; an advertisement by Anishnawbe Health Toronto for The Joe Sylvester memorial Traditional Pow wow at Moss Park Armoury, Toronto on September 1 to 3, 1995. Colour lithograph by Joseph Sagutch, 1995.
  • A North American Indian wearing an animal's head and
  • Why will ye die!! / J.D.M. Crockwell, M.D.
  • "Take it on sugar" : Faulding's "Emu" brand eucalyptus oil : "The spirit of the tree" / distilled by F.H. Faulding & Co. Ltd.
  • A barber is standing outside his shop in Cairo with the instruments of his trade in his hands.
  • Subtle the alchemist, posing as an astrologer, being visited by Abel Drugger, in Ben Jonson's 'The alchemist'. Engraving by C. Grignion, 1791, after J. Graham.
  • Subtle the alchemist, posing as an astrologer, being visited by Abel Drugger, in Ben Jonson's 'The alchemist'. Engraving by C. Grignion, 1791, after J. Graham.
  • Licoricine : the best medicine for chest affections, coughs, colds, &c. / Burgon & Co.