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110 results
  • Spasms in hysterical patients
  • Members of the Jansenist sect having convulsions and spasms as a result of religious fanaticism. Engraving by B. Picart.
  • Members of the Jansenist sect having convulsions and spasms as a result of religious fanaticism. Engraving by B. Picart.
  • Succisia pratensis Greene Asteraceae. Devil’s Bit Scabious, Blue Buttons. Distribution: Europe, W Asia, Africa. Culpeper (1650), under ‘Herbs’ he writes: ‘Succisa, Morsus diobolo, Devil’s Bit. Inwardly taken it easeth the fits of the mother [probably uterine spasm or pain], and breaks wind, taketh away the swellings in the mouth, and slimy phlegm that sticks to the jaws, neither is there a more present remedy in the world, for those cold swellings of the neck, which the vulgar call the Almonds [lymph nodes] of the neck than this herb bruised and applied to them. Folk lore attribute it as a cure-all which was so successful that the Devil bit off the bottom of the roots when he saw it growing down into Hades. However, the roots show no sign of such damage to support the myth. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Horse & cattle medicine for colic, gripes, stoppage of bowels, inflammation, spasms, indigestion, hoven, hide bound, felon, overworking, fever, for all cases attended with pain, for mares after foaling, cows after calving ... / H.H. Rushbrook.
  • Papaver somniferum L. Papaveraceae Opium Poppy Distribution: Asia minor, but has been dated to 5000BC in Spanish caves. Now grows almost everywhere. The oldest medicine in continuous use, described in the Ebers' papyrus (1550 BC), called Meconium, Laudanum, Paregoric and syrup of poppies. Culpeper (1650) on Meconium '...the juyce of English Poppies boyled till it be thick' and 'I am of the opinion that Opium is nothing else but the juyce of poppies growing in hotter countries, for such Opium as Authors talk of comes from Utopia.[he means an imaginary land, I suspect]’]. He cautions 'Syrups of Poppies provoke sleep, but in that I desire they may be used with a great deal of caution and wariness...' and warns in particular about giving syrup of poppies to children to get them to sleep. The alkaloids in the sap include: Morphine 12% - affects ?-opioid receptors in the brain and causes happiness, sleepiness, pain relief, suppresses cough and causes constipation. Codeine 3% – mild opiate actions – converted to morphine in the body. Papaverine, relaxes smooth muscle spasm in arteries of heart and brain, and also for intestinal spasm, migraine and erectile dysfunction. Not analgesic. Thebaine mildly analgesic, stimulatory, is made into oxycodone and oxymorphone which are analgesics, and naloxone for treatment of opiate overdose – ?-opioid receptor competitive antagonist – it displaces morphine from ?-opioid receptors, and constipation caused by opiates. Protopine – analgesic, antihistamine so relieves pain of inflammation. Noscapine – anti-tussive (anti-cough). In 2006 the world production of opium was 6,610 metric tons, in 1906 it was over 30,000 tons when 25% of Chinese males were regular users. The Opium wars of the end of the 19th century were caused by Britain selling huge quantities of Opium to China to restore the balance of payments deficit. Laudanum: 10mg of morphine (as opium) per ml. Paregoric: camphorated opium tincture. 0.4mg morphine per ml. Gee’s Linctus: up to 60 mg in a bottle. J Collis Browne’s chlorodyne: cannabis, morphine, alcohol etc. Kaolin and Morph. - up to 60 mg in a bottle. Dover’s Powders – contained Ipecacuana and morphine. Heroin is made from morphine, but converted back into morphine in the body (Oakeley, 2012). One gram of poppy seeds contains 0.250mgm of morphine, and while one poppy seed bagel will make a urine test positive for morphine for a week, one would need 30-40 bagels to have any discernible effect. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Papaver somniferum L. Papaveraceae Opium Poppy Distribution: Asia minor, but has been dated to 5000BC in Spanish caves. Now grows almost everywhere. The oldest medicine in continuous use, described in the Ebers' papyrus (1550 BC), called Meconium, Laudanum, Paregoric and syrup of poppies. Culpeper (1650) on Meconium '...the juyce of English Poppies boyled till it be thick' and 'I am of the opinion that Opium is nothing else but the juyce of poppies growing in hotter countries, for such Opium as Authors talk of comes from Utopia [he means an imaginary land, I suspect]’. He cautions 'Syrups of Poppies provoke sleep, but in that I desire they may be used with a great deal of caution and wariness...' and warns in particular about giving syrup of poppies to children to get them to sleep. The alkaloids in the sap include: Morphine 12% - affects ?-opioid receptors in the brain and causes happiness, sleepiness, pain relief, suppresses cough and causes constipation. Codeine 3% – mild opiate actions – converted to morphine in the body. Papaverine, relaxes smooth muscle spasm in arteries of heart and brain, and also for intestinal spasm, migraine and erectile dysfunction. Not analgesic. Thebaine mildly analgesic, stimulatory, is made into oxycodone and oxymorphone which are analgesics, and naloxone for treatment of opiate overdose – ?-opioid receptor competitive antagonist – it displaces morphine from ?-opioid receptors, and reverses the constipation caused by opiates. Protopine – analgesic, antihistamine so relieves pain of inflammation. Noscapine – anti-tussive (anti-cough). In 2006 the world production of opium was 6,610 metric tons, in 1906 it was over 30,000 tons when 25% of Chinese males were regular users. The Opium wars of the end of the 19th century were caused by Britain selling huge quantities of Opium to China to restore the balance of payments deficit. Laudanum: 10mg of morphine (as opium) per ml. Paregoric: camphorated opium tincture. 0.4mg morphine per ml. Gee’s Linctus: up to 60 mg in a bottle. J Collis Browne’s chlorodyne: cannabis, morphine, alcohol etc. Kaolin and Morph. - up to 60 mg in a bottle. Dover’s Powders – contained Ipecacuana and morphine. Heroin is made from morphine, but converted back into morphine in the body (Oakeley, 2012). One gram of poppy seeds contains 0.250mgm of morphine, and while one poppy seed bagel will make a urine test positive for morphine for a week, one would need 30-40 bagels to have any discernible effect. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Acanthus spinosus L. Acanthaceae. Bears breeches. Distribution: Southern Europe to Western Turkey. Herbaceous perennial flowering plant. Named for spiny leaves. Dioscorides recommended the roots applied for inflammation and spasms, and -when drunk- to promote urine, check diarrhoea, and for phthysis, ruptures and convulsions. The leaves are the model for those at the top of Corinthian columns. Tetraglycosides isolated from the plant show cytotoxicity in sea urchin eggs and crown gall tumour on potato disks. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All. Asteraceae. English, Roman or garden chamomile Distribution: Europe, Mediterranean. Culpeper (1650): “... assuage swellings, inflammations of the bowels, dissolve wind, are profitable given in clysters or drink, to such as are troubled with colic or [renal] stone.” The leaves are pleasantly fragrant, hence its use as a lawn plant, but also in aromatherapy. A ‘tea’ made from the flowers is apparently used to lighten hair colour. Chamomile contains sesquiterpene lactones, and these are known to possess allergenic properties. Hypersensitivity reactions have been reported in this and other members of the Compositae (Asteraceae) and cross sensitivity reactions may occur (Medicines Control Agency, 2002). Analgesic, and used for cramps and spasms (Quincy, 1718). Chamomile tea is used to help sleep, but may cause uterine contractions so avoid in pregnancy (US National Institutes of Health advice). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Trasentina : el antiespasmódico sintético / CIBA de Mexico, S.A.
  • Trasentina : el antiespasmódico sintético / CIBA de Mexico, S.A.
  • Una nueva y efectiva medida terapéutica para el tratamiento de la tos : Piribenzamina jarabe ... / CIBA.
  • Para el tratamiento de todos los dolores espasticos, Baralgina : Reverin, nuevo antibiótico de amplio espectro / Hoechst AG ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Para el tratamiento de todos los dolores espasticos, Baralgina : Reverin, nuevo antibiótico de amplio espectro / Hoechst AG ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • An old woman sits in a chair after one of her turns, while a younger woman pours her medication. Mezzotint by J. Bromley, 1833, after H. Liverseege.
  • Reverin ... el antibiótico universal de amplio espectro para la terapia parenteral ... : Gran potencia, mínima toxicidad, Baralgina / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Reverin ... el antibiótico universal de amplio espectro para la terapia parenteral ... : Gran potencia, mínima toxicidad, Baralgina / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Para tos de cualquier etiología : Hycodan (dihidrocodeinona) Endo : antitusivo aceptado por la AMA superior a la codeina ...  : Para el "apretón" del espasmo gastointestinal Mesopin-PB (metilbromuro de hemotropina) Endo / Endo Products, Inc. ; distribuidor Dr. J.M. Blanco.
  • Para tos de cualquier etiología : Hycodan (dihidrocodeinona) Endo : antitusivo aceptado por la AMA superior a la codeina ...  : Para el "apretón" del espasmo gastointestinal Mesopin-PB (metilbromuro de hemotropina) Endo / Endo Products, Inc. ; distribuidor Dr. J.M. Blanco.
  • Antiespasmódico Octiverina / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Antiespasmódico Octiverina / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Anestésico y analgésico ... Novocaina >T< ... : Para el tratamiento de los dolores espaxticos, Baralgina / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Anestésico y analgésico ... Novocaina >T< ... : Para el tratamiento de los dolores espaxticos, Baralgina / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Tratamiento de cualquier estado de dolor y de espasmo ... Baralgina : Dominación de infeccciones bacterianas : Reverin, el antibiótico universal de amplio espectro para la terapia parenteral / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Tratamiento de cualquier estado de dolor y de espasmo ... Baralgina : Dominación de infeccciones bacterianas : Reverin, el antibiótico universal de amplio espectro para la terapia parenteral / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Baralgina, el espasmo-analgésico de elección : nueva forma y además : Gamma-Globulina "Behring" / Hoechst ; Behringwerke A.G.
  • Baralgina, el espasmo-analgésico de elección : nueva forma y además : Gamma-Globulina "Behring" / Hoechst ; Behringwerke A.G.
  • An epileptic or sick person having a fit on a stretcher, two men try to restrain him. Ink drawing attributed to J.B. Jouvenet.
  • An epileptic or sick person having a fit on a stretcher, two men try to restrain him. Ink drawing attributed to J.B. Jouvenet.
  • An epileptic or sick person having a fit on a stretcher, two men try to restrain him. Ink drawing attributed to J.B. Jouvenet.