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1,086 results
  • Skull, feline
  • Skull sculpture
  • Skull, dugong
  • Skull Mask, Bhutan
  • Skull Mask, Bhutan
  • "Arnold Holding Skull"
  • Edinburgh Skull, trepanning showing hole in back of skull
  • Skull: Lateral view. Etching.
  • Skull. Chalk drawing, 18--(?).
  • Skull: anterior view. Line engraving.
  • Skull illustrating Le Fort's Article.
  • Skull of the Obercassel Man
  • Skull showing cranial elongation, Vanuatu Republic.
  • Skull affected with hyperostosis frontalis interna
  • Skull of a horse. Chromolithograph, 1877.
  • Skull of child at birth and woman
  • Skull showing wedged weapon fracture, Roman period
  • Skull with jaw affected by phosphorus poisoning.
  • Skull of the "Eoanthropus Dawsoni" (Piltdown Man)
  • Skull from Highmore, Corporis humani disquisitio anatomica, 1651
  • Skull, from Treatise on human and comparative phrenology.
  • Skull: lateral view. Etching by B. Bossi, 1760.
  • Skull of a soldier: frontal view. Lithograph, 1835.
  • Skull, placed on a book. Pencil drawing, 18--?.
  • Skull of a lion: two figures. Chromolithograph, 1877.
  • Skull of the Old Man of Cro-Magnon
  • Skull of a three-year-old brown bear: four figures, showing the skull and jaw-bones. Etching, 1840/1870?.
  • Surgical Holing of the Skull in the Neolithic age
  • Plate 2. Skull with a complete set of teeth.
  • Skull of an orang-utang: four figures. Chromolithograph, 1877.