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62 results
  • Razors and pins, presumably from Belgian Congo, Africa. Possibly Manbetu or Azande, certainly Ouelle District.
  • 12 Illustrations of types and shapes of bronze razors, Figure 94
  • A bearded man selling razors to a farmer. Crayon manner print by J.J. Jenkins after Peter Pindar (John Wolcot).
  • A barber's and wig-maker's establishment, above; shaving bowls, flasks and razors, below. Engraving by R. Bénard after J.R. Lucotte, 1762.
  • A barber's and wig-maker's establishment, above; shaving bowls, flasks and razors, below. Engraving by R. Bénard after J.R. Lucotte, 1762.
  • A barber's and wig-maker's establishment, above; shaving bowls, flasks and razors, below. Engraving by R. Bénard after J.R. Lucotte, 1762.
  • Ear piercing, tattooing, acupuncture, razors, needles and toothbrushes representing a warning about the ways in which you can catch AIDS by the British Deaf Association. Colour lithograph.
  • Zachariah Carleton, cutler, at the Case of Knives in New Street, Covent Garden, London : sells London, Birmingham & Sheffield cutlery wares : viz table knives & forks, clasp knives, razors, scissars.
  • John Best at ye Mace ye corner of Lumbard Street bext ye Stocks Market maketh razors, sissers, launcets, penknives : and all sorts of chirurgeons instruments : also by him are sold fine hoanes.
  • John Cargill, instrument maker, at ye Saw & Crown in Lombard Street, London : makes & sells all sorts of surgeons instruments, razors, scizers, penknives, caseknives, carving knives, cuttoes, &c. : at reasonable rates.
  • John Cargill, instrument maker, at ye Saw & Crown in Lombard Street, London : makes & sells all sorts of surgeons instruments, razors, scizers, penknives, caseknives, carving knives, cuttoes, &c. : at reasonable rates.
  • Edward Stanton at the Saw and Crown in Lombard Street London : lancet-maker : maketh and selleth all sorts of surgeons instruments likewise razors scissors penknives knives & forks... NB lancets and other instruments carefully ground and sett.
  • Edward Stanton at the Saw and Crown in Lombard Street London : lancet-maker : maketh and selleth all sorts of surgeons instruments likewise razors scissors penknives knives & forks... NB lancets and other instruments carefully ground and sett.
  • Robert Sparling, razor-maker, at the Case of Knives in St. James's Market : makes and sells all sorts of cutlers ware, as knives & forks both for table and dezert with hafts in ivory, wood or horn; silver and china, or any other curious handles mounted in the best blades &c. : makes & sells razors, scissars, fleams, sheers, pen knives... likewise surgeons instruments in ye neatest manner.
  • Lord Nelson's razor, made of horn and steel.
  • Lord Nelson's razor, made of horn and steel.
  • Lord Nelson's razor, made of horn and steel.
  • A barber shaving a man with a blunt razor. Engraving by H. Meyer, 1829, after E. Bird.
  • John Chasson, razor & surgeons instrument maker : at the C and Cross, in Newgate Street near St. Martins Le Grand, London : makes and sells all sorts of surgeons instruments, razor, lancets, scissors, penknives & all sorts of knives & forkes... / John Chasson, coutelier.
  • A man trying to shave himself with a blunt razor. Lithograph by William Green after M.W. Fry, ca. 1820.
  • The interior of a bathhouse; a barber dressed in national costume (?) sharpens his razor; a customer sitting cross-legged on a bench awaits his turn. Coloured lithograph.
  • A woman shielding her face with her hand from a razor dripping with blood: female genital mutilation in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Ahfad Reproductive Health Centre, ca. 1999.
  • A man holding an enormous razor jumps in fright upon looking in a mirror and seeing his dressing table taking on a human form. Etching by W.C.W.
  • A village barber-surgeon standing in front of his shop, holding a razor and a lancet; in the distance are the village stocks. Coloured etching by J. Bretherton after H.W. Bunbury.
  • A naked man shaving the bottom of another standing in a bath with a razor; advertisement for safe sex to reduce the risk of HIV by the Core Program. Lithograph by Charles R. Moniz.
  • A naked man shaving the bottom of another standing in a bath with a razor; advertisement for safe sex to reduce the risk of HIV by the Core Program. Lithograph by Charles R. Moniz
  • How you prevent HIV/AIDS showing hands opening a condom packet, donated blood tested for HIV, a sterilized syringe and razor, and someone pulling on a sterile surgical glove; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the CII, the Confederation of Indian Industry programme on HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Colour lithograph by Amita P. Gupta, ca. 1997.
  • A man and woman about to kiss, a pair of hands joined, children dancing, a novel toilet seat, a table set for dinner, a razor and a toothbrush, an extended condom and a splatter of blood; with a warning that the only protection from AIDS is information on protection; an advertisement by AIDES Lorraine Nord. Colour lithograph by Communatuté Municipale de Madrid.
  • A series of warning signs with illustrations demonstrating what not do to avoid AIDS including anal sex, circular arrows to indicate multiple sexual partners, oral sex, using shared needles; further illustrations in blue demonstrate how using your own razor, toothbrush and regularly showering illustrate how AIDS can be prevented; with a condom and a warning that any unprotected sexual intercourse increases the risk of AIDS; an advertisement by the Österreichische AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph.
  • A wizened old barber who wears a pointed hat is shaving a young man. Mezzotint by J. Gole after C. Dusart, 1704/1737.