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58 results
  • C14 Chinese medication chart: Pestilence and damp stroke
  • Course of pestilence in Ruthin, 1349
  • Plague and pestilence in literature and art / by Raymond Crawfurd.
  • Plague and pestilence in literature and art / by Raymond Crawfurd.
  • Plague and pestilence in literature and art / by Raymond Crawfurd.
  • Plague and pestilence in literature and art / by Raymond Crawfurd.
  • Plague and pestilence in literature and art / by Raymond Crawfurd.
  • The angel of God bringing three days of pestilence as atonement for David's sins. Woodcut.
  • A treatise of the pestilence: wherein is shewed all the causes thereof, with most assured preseruatiues against all infection: and lastly is taught the true and perfect cure of the pestilence, by most excellent and approved medicines / [Thomas Thayre].
  • The regiment of life / Whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the book of children. Latelye corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phayre.
  • The regiment of life, wherevnto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children / newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire.
  • The regiment of life, wherevnto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children / newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire.
  • Dianthus caryophyllus L. Caryophyllaceae Carnation, clove-gilliflowers - Mediterranean Culpeper (1650) writes that ‘Clove-gilliflowers, resist the pestilence, strengthen the heart, liver and stomach, and provokes lust.’ They smell strongly of cloves, and an oil made from the petals is used in perfumery, soaps etc. The petals are sometimes used as a garnish for salads. In herbal medicine they are used to make a tonic. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Polygonum bistorta L. Polygonaceae Bistort, snakeweed, Easter Ledges. Distribution: Europe, N & W Asia. Culpeper: “... taken inwardly resist pestilence and poison, helps ruptures, and bruises, stays fluxes, vomiting and immoderate flowing of the terms in women, helps inflammations and soreness of the mouth, and fastens loose teeth, being bruised and boiled in white wine and the mouth washed with it.” In modern herbal medicine it is still used for a similar wide variety of internal conditions, but it can also be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The use to relieve toothache, applied as a paste to the affected tooth, seems to have been widespread. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A talisman against pestilance
  • Galega officinalis L. Fabaceae. Goat's Rue. Distribution: Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor. Culpeper (1650) writes that it ‘... resists poison, kills worms, resists the falling sickness [epilepsy], resisteth the pestilence.’ Galega officinalis contains guanidine which reduces blood sugar by decreasing insulin resistance and inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis.. Metformin and Phenformin are drugs for type II diabetes that rely on this group of chemicals, known as biguanidines. Its name gala, meaning milk plus ega meaning 'to bring on', refers to its alleged property of increasing milk yield, and has been used in France to increase milk yield in cows. officinalis refers to its use in the offices of the monks, and is a common specific name for medicinal plants before 1600 and adopted by Linnaeus (1753). The fresh plant tastes of pea pods. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A pestilent suburban cottage. A house in the Old Kent Road where cholera, diphteria and fever had all occured. It was surrounded by a foul ditch and on one side a stagnant pool.
  • Escudo de armas de Mexico : celestial proteccion de esta nobilissima ciudad, de la Nueva-Espana, y de casi todo el nuevo mundo, Maria Santissima en su portentosa imagen del Mexicano Guadalupe, milagrosamente apparecida en el palacio arzobispal el año de 1531, y jurada su principal patrona el passado de 1737, en la angustia que ocasiono la pestilencia / Describiala de orden ... del ilustrissimo, y excelentissimo señor dr. d. Juan Antonio de Vizarron, y Eguiarreta ... d. Cayetano de Cabrera, y Quintero ... a expensas, y solicitude de esta nobilissima ciudad.
  • The discouerie of witchcraft, wherein the lewde dealing of witches and witchmongers is notablie detected, the knauerie of coniurors, the impietie of inchantors, the follie of soothsaiers, the impudent falshood of cousenors, the infidelitie of atheists, the pestilent practices of Pythonists, the curiositie of figurecasters, the vanitie of dreamers, the beggerlie art of Alcumystrie, the abhomination of idolatrie, the horrible art of poisoning, the vertue and power of naturall magike, and all the conueiances of legierdemaine and iuggling are deciphered. And many other things opened, which have long lien hidden, howbeit verie necessarie to be knowne. : Heerevnto is added a treatise vpon the nature and substance of spirits and diuels, &c: / all latelie written by Reginald Scot. Esquire.
  • Plague in London, 1665
  • Wax model of the plague, 1657
  • Evolution of Measures for the Nation's Health.
  • Saint Carlo Borromeo administering communion to victims of the plague in Milan of 1576. Line engraving by F. de Poilly after P. Mignard.
  • Saint Carlo Borromeo praying to the Virgin on behalf of victims of the plague in Milan, 1576. Engraving by A. Boccabadati after A. Malatesta after M.A. Franceschini.
  • Saint Carlo Borromeo, with a rope around his neck, carrying a cross through the plague-ridden streets of Milan in 1576. Engraving by J. Frey, 1749, after Pietro da Cortona.
  • Modo e ordine securo da preservarse e curarse dal pestifero morbo: novamente aggregato / [Giovanni Antonio Bassino].
  • Modo e ordine securo da preservarse e curarse dal pestifero morbo: novamente aggregato / [Giovanni Antonio Bassino].
  • Modo e ordine securo da preservarse e curarse dal pestifero morbo: novamente aggregato / [Giovanni Antonio Bassino].
  • Modo e ordine securo da preservarse e curarse dal pestifero morbo: novamente aggregato / [Giovanni Antonio Bassino].
  • Modo e ordine securo da preservarse e curarse dal pestifero morbo: novamente aggregato / [Giovanni Antonio Bassino].