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35 results
  • On the pathology and treatment of spermatorrhœa / by J.L. Milton.
  • On the pathology and treatment of spermatorrhœa / by J.L. Milton.
  • On the pathology and treatment of spermatorrhœa / by J.L. Milton.
  • On the pathology and treatment of spermatorrhœa / by J.L. Milton.
  • On the pathology and treatment of spermatorrhœa / by J.L. Milton.
  • An episode in Tristram Shandy: Dr. Slop clinging on to his bag, after two gentlemen (one of them Tristram Shandy's father?) had attempted to look inside it. Aquatint by J.H. Clark, 1820, after L. Sterne.
  • An episode in Tristram Shandy: Dr. Slop clinging on to his bag, after two gentlemen (one of them Tristram Shandy's father?) had attempted to look inside it. Aquatint by J.H. Clark, 1820, after L. Sterne.
  • Tratado histórico y práctico de la vacuna que contiene en compendio el orígen y los resultados de las observaciones y experimentos sobre la vacuna, con un exámen imparcial de sus ventajas, y de las objeciones que se le han puesto, con todo lo demás que concierne á la práctica del nuevo modo de inocular / por J.L. Moreau (de la Sarthe) ; Traducido por Francisco Xavier de Balmis.
  • Tratado histórico y práctico de la vacuna que contiene en compendio el orígen y los resultados de las observaciones y experimentos sobre la vacuna, con un exámen imparcial de sus ventajas, y de las objeciones que se le han puesto, con todo lo demás que concierne á la práctica del nuevo modo de inocular / por J.L. Moreau (de la Sarthe) ; Traducido por Francisco Xavier de Balmis.
  • Tratado histórico y práctico de la vacuna que contiene en compendio el orígen y los resultados de las observaciones y experimentos sobre la vacuna, con un exámen imparcial de sus ventajas, y de las objeciones que se le han puesto, con todo lo demás que concierne á la práctica del nuevo modo de inocular / por J.L. Moreau (de la Sarthe) ; Traducido por Francisco Xavier de Balmis.
  • François Joseph Victor Broussais. Line engraving by H. Bonvoisin, 1826, after C. Duchesne.
  • Two men studying a corpse by the light of a candle stuck in its chest. Etching after a drawing attributed to Polidoro Caldara (Polidoro da Caravaggio).
  • Two men studying a corpse by the light of a candle stuck in its chest. Etching after a drawing attributed to Polidoro Caldara (Polidoro da Caravaggio).
  • Two men studying a corpse by the light of a candle stuck in its chest. Etching after a drawing attributed to Polidoro Caldara (Polidoro da Caravaggio).
  • Two men studying a corpse by the light of a candle stuck in its chest. Etching after a drawing attributed to Polidoro Caldara (Polidoro da Caravaggio).
  • Four female torsos joined at the waist with garden features as heads; symbolising the four seasons in a garden. Etching by T. B., c. 1797.
  • Saint Jerome: he hears an angel blowing the last trump. Etching by J. Ribera.
  • The torso of Laocoon. Crayon manner print by A.F. Girard, 1820, after Eugène Bourgeois after Agesander.
  • Saint Mary Magdalen. Etching by P. Testa.
  • A centaur fighting a triton on a sea shore, while in the background another centaur is embraced by a nereid. Etching attributed to J. de Ribera.
  • Saint Carlo Borromeo: he gives alms to the plague-victims in Milan. Coloured aquatint by L.A. Garneray, 1820, after Martinet.
  • Saint Carlo Borromeo: with a rope around his neck, he kneels before the Cross in the plague-ridden streets of Milan in 1576. Coloured aquatint by L.A. Garneray, 1820, after Martinet.
  • A St. Bernard dog brings an avalanche victim to a hospice in the Alps. Stipple engraving by Dibart Castel, 1820, after P.A.A. Vafflard.
  • A St. Bernard dog brings an avalanche victim to a hospice in the Alps. Stipple engraving by Dibart Castel, 1820, after P.A.A. Vafflard.
  • Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus: his intestines are extracted from his body with a windlass. Etching by P. Testa.
  • Saint Nicholas and Saint Roch invoking the help of the Virgin to stay the plague. Etching after P. Testa.
  • Saint Philip Neri: he comforts a dying man, Gabriele Tana, who has visions of devils. Engraving by L. Ciamberlano.
  • Saint Nicholas and Saint Roch invoking the help of the Virgin to stay the plague. Etching by P. Testa.
  • Sea monsters fighting. Etching by S. Rosa.
  • Sea monsters fighting. Etching by S. Rosa.