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146 results
  • Ehemera from the Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health collection held in the Library & Archives Serviice at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
  • Don't worry about what you'll pick up at work : none of these will give you HIV, the virus that leads to AIDS ... / Health Education Authority ; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
  • Don't worry about what you'll pick up at work : none of these will give you HIV, the virus that leads to AIDS ... / Health Education Authority ; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
  • Compilation of posters from the Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health collection in the Library & Archives at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine : originally designed as a posterboard for the exhibition HIV/AIDS: controlling and eradicating a modern epidemic, 2014.
  • Compilation of posters from the Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health collection in the Library & Archives at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine : originally designed as a posterboard for the exhibition HIV/AIDS: controlling and eradicating a modern epidemic, 2014.
  • Zantedeschia aethiopica (L)Spreng. Calla lily, Arum lily. Half hardy annual. Distribution: South Africa. The genus name commemorates Giovanni Zantedeschi (1773-1846) an Italian physician and botanist. Born in Molina he studied medicine in Verona and Padua. He corresponded with the German botanist, Kurt Sprengel, who named the genus Zantedeschia in his honour in 1826, separating it from Calla, where, as C. aethiopica, it had been previously described by Linnaeus. He had broad interests, including the effect of different parts of the spectrum of light on plant growth, reporting in 1843, that red, orange and yellow light are heliotropically inactive. The botanic museum in Molina is dedicated to his memory. Aethiopica, merely means 'African'. The leaves are used as a warm poultice for headaches in ‘muthi’ medicine. It has become an invasive weed in parts of Australia. It was introduced, as a greenhouse plant, to Europe in the mid-17th century, where the long lasting flowers are popular in flower arranging and for weddings and funerals – a curious combination (Oakeley, 2012). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All. Asteraceae. English, Roman or garden chamomile Distribution: Europe, Mediterranean. Culpeper (1650): “... assuage swellings, inflammations of the bowels, dissolve wind, are profitable given in clysters or drink, to such as are troubled with colic or [renal] stone.” The leaves are pleasantly fragrant, hence its use as a lawn plant, but also in aromatherapy. A ‘tea’ made from the flowers is apparently used to lighten hair colour. Chamomile contains sesquiterpene lactones, and these are known to possess allergenic properties. Hypersensitivity reactions have been reported in this and other members of the Compositae (Asteraceae) and cross sensitivity reactions may occur (Medicines Control Agency, 2002). Analgesic, and used for cramps and spasms (Quincy, 1718). Chamomile tea is used to help sleep, but may cause uterine contractions so avoid in pregnancy (US National Institutes of Health advice). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Osmanthus delavayi Franch. Oleaceae Evergreen shrub. Distribution: China. Osmanthus is derived from the Greek for 'fragrant flower', delavayi from its discoverer, the French Missionary with the Missions Étrangères, and plant collector, Pierre Delavay (1834-1895). He sent 200,000 herbarium specimens containing 4000 species including 1,500 new species to Franchet at the Museum of Natural History in Paris. He sent seed of O. delavayi to France (1886), but only one germinated, and all the plants in cultivation until it was recollected 40 years later, arose from this plant (Bretschneider, 1896). The flowers are used to make a tea in China, but the berries (drupes) are not regarded as edible. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Salvia nemorosa L. Lamiaceae Woodland sage. Balkan clary Distribution: Central Europe, Western Asia. Most of the historical medicinal literature is on common sage, Salvia officinalis. The name Salvia meaning 'healthy'. Elizabeth Blackwell (1737) wrote that it had "... all the noble Properties of the other hot Plants more especially for the Head, Memory, Eyes, and all Paralytical Affections. In short, 'tis a Plant endu'd with so many and wonderful Properties, as that the assiduous use of it is said to render Men Immortal" with which Hans Sloane agreed. Linnaeus (1782) also: 'Timor, Languor, Leucorrhoea, Senectus [fear, tiredness, white vaginal discharge, old age]'. Its health giving and immortality conferring properties were recorded in the aphorisms of the School of Salerno (fl 9-13th century) - quoted in the Decameron [c.1350, translated: Why should man die when Salvia grows in the Garden']. Some salvias, such as Salvia divinorum contain hallucinogenic compounds. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Salvia coahuilensis Fernald Lamiaceae Coahuila Sage. Perennial shrub. Distribution: Mexico. Most of the historical medicinal literature is on common sage, Salvia officinalis. The name Salvia meaning 'healthy'. Elizabeth Blackwell (1737) wrote that it had "... all the noble Properties of the other hot Plants more especially for the Head, Memory, Eyes, and all Paralytical Affections. In short, 'tis a Plant endu'd with so many and wonderful Properties, as that the assiduous use of it is said to render Men Immortal" with which Hans Sloane agreed. Its health giving properties were recorded in the aphorisms of the School of Salerno (fl 9-13th century) - quoted in the Decameron [c.1350, translated: Why should man die when Salvia grows in the Garden']. Some salvias, such as Salvia divinorum contain hallucinogenic compounds. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Senna corymbosa (Lam.)H.S.Irwin&Barneby Caesalpinaceae. Argentine Senna. Distribution: Argentine (other species from Europe). This beautiful shrub that flowers from midsummer until the frosts of winter, is the source of one of the best known of all herbal medicines – Senokot (and senna pods and senna tea), introduced to European medicine (as Senna alexandrina from Egypt) by the Arabians. Every part of the plant contains anthraquinones which, if taken internally, act as a powerful laxative to treat constipation by stimulating the nerve cells of the large bowel. Gerard (1633) notes ‘it is a singular purging medicine’ with over a page on its uses. When used regularly the nerves to the large bowel may be destroyed, leaving a permanently dilated large bowel that never functions properly again. This is a plant which causes the condition it treats to become permanent. Additionally, with prolonged use, the lining of the bowel turns black, serum potassium levels may fall, resulting in cardiac irregularities and sometimes death. Coma, neuropathy and hepatitis have also been reported. It is advertised on television (the actor involved is seen to be depressed and bloated until she takes Senokot, after which she is happy - Hippocrates would have attributed this antidepressant effect to the plant's ability to purge her of the black melancholic humour present in her bowel motions). It is available without prescription or health warning against long-term use. What do you think? Lyte (1578) recommends it strongly for depression, but one might claim to be cured rather than take it again. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Senna corymbosa (Lam.)H.S.Irwin&Barneby Caesalpinaceae. Argentine Senna. Distribution: Argentine (other species from Europe). This beautiful shrub that flowers from midsummer until the frosts of winter, is the source of one of the best known of all herbal medicines – Senokot (and senna pods and senna tea), introduced to European medicine (as Senna alexandrina from Egypt) by the Arabians. Every part of the plant contains anthraquinones which, if taken internally, act as a powerful laxative to treat constipation by stimulating the nerve cells of the large bowel. Gerard (1633) notes ‘it is a singular purging medicine’ with over a page on its uses. When used regularly the nerves to the large bowel may be destroyed, leaving a permanently dilated large bowel that never functions properly again. This is a plant which causes the condition it treats to become permanent. Additionally, with prolonged use, the lining of the bowel turns black, serum potassium levels may fall, resulting in cardiac irregularities and sometimes death. Coma, neuropathy and hepatitis have also been reported. It is advertised on television (the actor involved is seen to be depressed and bloated until she takes Senokot, after which she is happy - Hippocrates would have attributed this antidepressant effect to the plant's ability to purge her of the black melancholic humour present in her bowel motions). It is available without prescription or health warning against long-term use. What do you think? Lyte (1578) recommends it strongly for depression, but one might claim to be cured rather than take it again. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Handling, maintenance and storage of ophthalmic surgical instruments in Kenya. Colour lithograph by the International Centre for Eye Health, ca. 2000.
  • Vendors of various types of remedies consulting about a patient; the vendors represented by their respective treatments and the patient by a goose. Process print, 19--, after G. Cruikshank, 183-.
  • Healthy choices : low salt shopping guide / CASH.
  • Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Coloured engraving.
  • Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Coloured engraving.
  • William Pitt the younger as an alchemist using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames of a furnace and heat a glass vessel in which the House of Commons is distilled; representing the dissolution of parliament by Pitt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • William Pitt the younger as an alchemist using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames of a furnace and heat a glass vessel in which the House of Commons is distilled; representing the dissolution of parliament by Pitt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • A haggard old woman taking a large file to the corns on her feet. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1800, after himself.
  • William Pitt the younger as an alchemist using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames of a furnace and heat a glass vessel in which the House of Commons is distilled; representing the dissolution of parliament by Pitt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • Philippe Ricord. Coloured wood engraving (?), 1867, after A. Gill.
  • Mücken : keine AIDS-Gefahr / AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz ; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
  • Mücken : keine AIDS-Gefahr / AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz ; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
  • A family doctor, an obstetrician, a sensationalist author-doctor and a hypnotist; all pruriently satirised under the guise of moralism, as promoted by James Morison and his pharmaceutical company. Lithograph, 1852.
  • A family doctor, an obstetrician, a sensationalist author-doctor and a hypnotist; all pruriently satirised under the guise of moralism, as promoted by James Morison and his pharmaceutical company. Lithograph, 1852.
  • A human anatomical figure. Drawing, Nepalese, ca. 1800 (?).
  • A human anatomical figure. Drawing, Nepalese, ca. 1800 (?).
  • Association of County Medical Officers of Health of England and Wales: members of the association, 1952. Photograph, 1952.
  • Hundred Years' War: surgeons and craftsmen of surgical instruments being forced to go with the English army as part of the 1415 invasion of France. Gouache painting by A. Forestier, 1913.