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715 results
  • Saint James the Less. Line engraving after Sir P.P. Rubens.
  • James Dickson. Lithograph after H. P. Briggs, 1820.
  • James Ferguson. Stipple engraving by P. Roberts, 1824.
  • Sir James Murray. Pencil drawing by [P. Simps], [1908?].
  • Sir James Edward Smith. Line engraving by P. Audinet, 1828.
  • Robert James. Line engraving by W. Walker, 1778, after P. Scheemakers.
  • James Bentley. Mezzotint by T. Lupton, 1850, after J. P. Knight.
  • Robert James. Line engraving by W. Walker, 1778, after P. Scheemakers.
  • Rely on Robertson's for pure preserves... / James Robertson & Sons, P.M. Ltd.
  • Rely on Robertson's for pure preserves... / James Robertson & Sons, P.M. Ltd.
  • Saint James the Lesser. Engraving by P. Fontana after L. Camia after B. Thorwaldsen.
  • Saint James the Great. Engraving by P. Bettelini after L. Camia after B. Thorwaldsen.
  • King James II; table with a crown in the background. Engraving by P. Landry, 1693.
  • Saint James the Great. Line engraving by G.P. Lorenzi after J. Calendi after A. del Sarto.
  • The Virgin Mary, pregnant with James, and Joseph voyage back from Egypt with the child Jesus. Engraving by L. Vorsterman the elder, 1620, after P.P. Rubens.
  • King James I of England and VI of Scotland. Engraving by G. Vertue, ca. 1732, after P. van Somer.
  • Peace: a family rests and plays on the turret of a building, the bell rope is broken and they can enjoy peace. Engraving by P. Lightfoot after James Drummond.
  • New! : Robertson's fruit fillings : nine delicious flavours: apple, apple & blackberry, apple & blackcurrant, apricot, bilberry, cherry, plum, raspberry, strawberry : order now! / James Robertson & Sons P.M., Ltd.
  • New! : Robertson's fruit fillings : nine delicious flavours: apple, apple & blackberry, apple & blackcurrant, apricot, bilberry, cherry, plum, raspberry, strawberry : order now! / James Robertson & Sons P.M., Ltd.
  • Annual meeting at St. James' Banqueting Room, Regent Street, London, W. (ten doors above Swan and Edgar's) on Thursday, April 28th, at 3 p.m. ...
  • Medical Department of the Army : the annual dinner of the medical officers of the army, at the Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, on Saturday the 12th May 1827 : P. McGregor, esq. serjeant-surgeon to the King, in the chair.
  • Medical Department of the Army : the annual dinner of the medical officers of the army, at the Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, on Saturday the 12th May 1827 : P. McGregor, esq. serjeant-surgeon to the King, in the chair.
  • William of Orange attacks Louis XIV and James II, who are riding on an ass; Father Petre, confessor to the queen of England, rides on a lobster with the infant Old Pretender; Cardinal Faustenburg falls off a tortoise. Mezzotint by P. Schenck, c. 1689.
  • George Tavern & Eating House, Great Eastcheap : the annual dinner of the medical officers of the army, at the Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, on Saturday the 12th May 1827 : P. McGregor, esq. serjeant-surgeon to the King, in the chair... / George Bell.
  • Musæum Kircherianum, sive Musæum a P. Athanasio Kirchero in Collegio Romano Societatis Jesu jam pridem incœptum nuper restitutum, auctum, descriptum, & iconibus illustratum / A p. Philippo Bonanni.
  • Musæum Kircherianum, sive Musæum a P. Athanasio Kirchero in Collegio Romano Societatis Jesu jam pridem incœptum nuper restitutum, auctum, descriptum, & iconibus illustratum / A p. Philippo Bonanni.
  • Musæum Kircherianum, sive Musæum a P. Athanasio Kirchero in Collegio Romano Societatis Jesu jam pridem incœptum nuper restitutum, auctum, descriptum, & iconibus illustratum / A p. Philippo Bonanni.
  • Prostanthera ovalifolia R.Br. Lamiaceae Alpine anise bush, Oval leaf Mintbush, Purple mintbush. Woody shrub. Distribution: Australia. Minty flavoured leaves used in jams and jellies. Various essential oils are produced from commercially grown P. ovalifolia (cis-dihydroagarofuran, kessane, 1,8-cineole which is also known as eucalyptol, p-cymene,) and P. cuneata also contains eucalyptol. Concentrations of essential oils in the plants vary according to the clonal variety, growing conditions and time of year. Aboriginal peoples used Prostanthera leaves in medicinal ointments and washes, but one species, P. striatiflora, was used to poison waterholes to kill visiting emu (Hegarty, 2001). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Hans Ziemann. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • Hugh Walpole at Skiddaw House. Photographic postcard by G.P. Abraham Ltd., 192-.