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64 results
  • Our Lady of Expectation. Coloured woodut.
  • Our Lady of the Scapular. No medical connection.
  • AIDS - plague from God : "I shall not allow a cure" ... message of Our Lady and Our Lord to Veronica Lueken / Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers Shrine.
  • AIDS - plague from God : "I shall not allow a cure" ... message of Our Lady and Our Lord to Veronica Lueken / Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers Shrine.
  • Wooden figure of the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Tregurun-
  • Lourdes, France: the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: pilgrims kiss the wall of the cave. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Lourdes, France: the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: pilgrims kiss the wall of the cave. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Wooden figure of the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Tregurun, invoked by mothers desiring to obtain their milk.
  • The side road showing the Hospital of Our Lady, Edinburgh, Scotland. Etching by T. Stewart after D. Wilson.
  • Lourdes, France: pilgrims at taps bearing sacred water from the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes' spring. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Our Lady of Treguron, one of a series ofn Breton statues. Invoked by pregnant women but a purely local cult.
  • Blessings given at the High Church of Our Beloved Lady involving the expulsion of devils and curing of blind and lame people. Etching.
  • Lourdes, France: the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: pilgrims at the shrine; the sacred water fountain to one side. Photograph, ca. 1870.
  • Lourdes, France: the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: crutches left behind by pilgrims, amassed on the walls of the cave. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Lourdes, France: the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: petitions to the Virgin Mary placed in a hollow at the shrine. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Lourdes, France: the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: a crowd looks on as women hold up a commemorative shield and banner. Photograph, ca. 1870.
  • One of our relief stations with British voluntary lady workers  / British Committee of the French Red Cross.
  • One of our relief stations with British voluntary lady workers  / British Committee of the French Red Cross.
  • Hospital of Our Lady. Paul's work, rebuilt in 1619, on the site of an ancient religious foundation. About the year 1479. Thomas Spence, Bishop of Aberdeen, founded a hospital there, for the reception and entertainment of twelve poor men.
  • Our lady of Deliverance. Invoked by expectant mothers for a safe delivery, though the work Deliverance originally was connected with freedom from attacks of enemies of all kinds.
  • Saint Raymund Nonnatus (31st August).Born in 1180 (?). Founder of the Order of Our Lady of Rnsom, died in 1240. He gave himself as a hostage to redeem slaves from the Moors. He is the patron of children and midwives. Invoked for pregnant women and against puerperal fever ( from non-natus!). Represented bearing a monstrance or a palm with three crowns on it.
  • The Virgin of Guadalupe. Etching.
  • Escudo de armas de Mexico : celestial proteccion de esta nobilissima ciudad, de la Nueva-Espana, y de casi todo el nuevo mundo, Maria Santissima en su portentosa imagen del Mexicano Guadalupe, milagrosamente apparecida en el palacio arzobispal el año de 1531, y jurada su principal patrona el passado de 1737, en la angustia que ocasiono la pestilencia / Describiala de orden ... del ilustrissimo, y excelentissimo señor dr. d. Juan Antonio de Vizarron, y Eguiarreta ... d. Cayetano de Cabrera, y Quintero ... a expensas, y solicitude de esta nobilissima ciudad.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) as the Virgin of Carmel, with the Christ Child. Etching by J. Garcia Hidalgo, 1684.
  • Saint James the Great: the Virgin appears to him on a pillar by the river Ebro. Engraving attributed to A. Boilly, 1827, after Dubois after N. Poussin.
  • Boer War: two aristocratic ladies in the grounds of a large house used as a military hospital at Rondebosch, South Africa. Halftone, c. 1900, after Duffus Brothers.
  • British prisoners of war performing at a show at a prisoner of war camp in Cottbus. Photographic postcard by P. Tharan, 191-.
  • British prisoners of war performing at a show at a prisoner of war camp in Cottbus. Photographic postcard by P. Tharan, 191-.
  • Saint Martha leading Saint Mary Magdalene up a staircase towards Jesus Christ seated in a temple. Engraving by M. Raimondi, 15--, after Giulio Romano.
  • Tianjin (Tientsin), China: exterior of Notre Dame des Victoires Cathedral. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.