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132 results
  • Graph of copper availabilities (for sheep)
  • Paediatric finger diagnosis chart: 'Water Graph' vein pattern
  • Graph showing fall in death rate from tuberculosis, Glasgow 1871-1923
  • Paediatric finger diagnosis chart: Yi graph vein pattern
  • Mathematics: a graph-plotting machine. Engraving by Benard.
  • SigmaPlot windows scientific graph system : summary of features / Jandel Scientific.
  • Economics: a graph comparing armed forces and gross national product and debt for various European countries. Coloured engraving, [c.1840].
  • Human skulls of different racial types: eleven figures also including the skull of an ape, and a graph demonstrating different angles. Engraving.
  • The breath of life, or, Mal-respiration : and its effects upon the enjoyments & life of man (manu-graph) / by Geo. Catlin.
  • The breath of life, or, Mal-respiration : and its effects upon the enjoyments & life of man (manu-graph) / by Geo. Catlin.
  • A sick baby in a hospital bed, with a graph line plunging downwards, indicating the need for blood donations. Colour lithograph after Eileen Evans.
  • A red arrow on a graph pointing upwards through a human body, representing the increase in cancer in the USA. Colour lithograph after D. Fellnagel, 1941.
  • A red arrow on a graph pointing upwards through a human body, representing the increase in cancer in the USA. Colour lithograph after D. Fellnagel, 1941.
  • A graph showing statistics for serious industrial accidents in Austria, 1927-1933: a devil tries to raise the statistics, workers with ropes try to lower them. Colour lithograph, ca. 1934.
  • An orange graph background with a diagram illustrating the transmission of HIV through blood as an advertisement for the International Conference on HIV and Blood Products in Kobe, Japan in 1996. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • A graph across a map of the world showing the growing pandemic and stalling response to the AIDS crisis between the years 1981 and 1993; advertisement by The Global AIDS Policy Coalition. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • Two black silhouette figures facing each other with an arrow containing Arabic script pointing to the repeated words 'AIDS' with a graph below showing the growing AIDS statistics in Kuwait between 1981 to 1991; an advertisement by the Kuwait Ministry of Health. Colour lithograph, ca. 1991.
  • A tennis player knocking a ball bearing the attributes of the HIV virus cell with the word 'AIDS' embellished with the devil in the pathway of the ball; with a graph below displaying the rising statistics of AIDS in Kuwait from 1980 to 2000; an advertisement by the Kuwait Ministry of Health. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • Syphilis and gonorrhoea: graphs showing their increased incidence in Bavaria, and a woman in despair. Colour lithograph by H. Ehlers, 1946.
  • Few-layer graphene, SEM
  • Human brain cancer stem cells treated with graphene, SEM
  • Human brain cancer stem cells treated with graphene, SEM
  • La méthode graphique dans les sciences expérimentales et principalement en physiologie et en médecine / par E.J. Marey.
  • La méthode graphique dans les sciences expérimentales et principalement en physiologie et en médecine / par E.J. Marey.
  • La méthode graphique dans les sciences expérimentales et principalement en physiologie et en médecine / par E.J. Marey.
  • Physiologie médicale de la circulation du sang : basée sur l'étude graphique des mouvements du coeur et du pouls artériel avec application aux maladies de l'appareil circulatoire / par E.J. Marey.
  • Il a sauvé encore plus de vies que Dr. H...e : contre le VIH et les autres IST, les préservatifs sont les plus grand des héros / SNEG, prévention ; conception graphique: Lucas Descroix.
  • Il a sauvé encore plus de vies que Dr. H...e : contre le VIH et les autres IST, les préservatifs sont les plus grand des héros / SNEG, prévention ; conception graphique: Lucas Descroix.
  • Il a sauvé encore plus de vies que Le Frelon V..t : contre le VIH et les autres IST, les préservatifs sont les plus grand des héros / SNEG, prévention ; conception graphique: Lucas Descroix.
  • Il a sauvé encore plus de vies que Le Frelon V..t : contre le VIH et les autres IST, les préservatifs sont les plus grand des héros / SNEG, prévention ; conception graphique: Lucas Descroix.