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137 results
  • Forms of misbehaviour, drunkeness, debauchery, and violence among Sikhs. Coloured transfer lithograph.
  • The bottle, by George Cruikshank; 'He is discharged from his employment for drunkeness'
  • The bottle, by George Cruikshank; 'The husbands in a state of furious drunkeness, kills his wife'
  • Drunkenness
  • 'Drunk' illustration
  • Women eject a drunk and publican from a bar in a crusade against drunkenness. Wood-engraving by A. Joliet, c. 1875, after Castelli.
  • Drunkness in wine-cellar.
  • Noah in his drunkenness being exposed by Ham. Woodcut by H. Brosamer, 1550.
  • Men drinking, smoking, and drunk. Gouache painting.
  • A drunk man in Russia likened to a pig: his silhouette is swinish and he is licked by a pig when he lies dead drunk with vodka. Watercolour, 195-.
  • Two drunk men (played by actors) swear undying friendship. Photographic postcard, ca. 1905.
  • Two drunk men (played by actors) swear undying friendship. Photographic postcard, ca. 1905.
  • Lot made drunk by his daughters. Line engraving by Vienot after Cl. Mellan.
  • Lawyers drinking or already drunk in a public house. Etching after Phiz (Hablot K. Browne), 1845.
  • The inevitable consequences of over-indulgence: two drunk men seize a young woman. Engraving after S. Freudeberg.
  • A drunk cyclist who has driven into a lamp-post exclaims that the lamp-post had suddenly appeared there; a traffic warden replies sarcastically that the lamp post was drunk. Colour lithograph after H. de Kort for Veilig Verkeer Nederland, ca. 1996.
  • A drunk young man vomiting outside a social gathering. Colour lithograph for Nationaal Instituut voor Gezondheidsbevordering en Ziektepreventie, ca. 2000.
  • A soldier introducing his wife to his comrades, who are getting drunk outside their barracks. Lithograph after N.T. Charlet.
  • Mr. Lambkin drunk on champagne sitting in a carriage at Epsom with lots of other drunken bachelors. Lithograph by G. Cruikshank.
  • Contrasts in drinking of alcoholic beverages: a tavern from 1553 is contrasted with a gin-palace of 1847, temperance with drunkenness, and luxury with poverty. Lithograph by Luke Limner (John Leighton).
  • A drunk bridegroom carrying the chauffeur over the threshold, leaving the indignant bride in the car. Colour process print, ca. 1968-1970.
  • A drunk bridegroom carrying the chauffeur over the threshold, leaving the indignant bride in the car. Colour process print, ca. 1968-1970.
  • A man lies drunk in his chair, his last glass of drink fallen from his hand. Lithograph by Lamy, c. 1860, after Villain.
  • Ham sees his father, Noah, naked and drunk; Shem and Japheth turn away. Colour soft-ground etching by S. Mulinari after A. Sacchi.
  • A labourer asks a gentleman for his wages so that he may get drunk; both represented as dwarfs. Coloured etching after M. Engelbrecht, 1715.
  • Four jovial gentlemen in a tavern, one holds a bowl to the face of his drunk companion. Mezzotint by Maucourt, c. 1764, after himself.
  • A drunk man holding a broken umbrella is leaning against the railings of a park; children around him. Drawing by L.(?) Harris, ca. 1890.
  • A doctor reprimanding the drunkenness of the village grave-digger, who retorts that he does not criticise the doctor for his mistakes - which he has to bury. Wood engraving by C. Keene, 1879.
  • Bartholomew fair in London represented as a place where crowds of people watch entertainments inspired by the devil, and indulge in drunkenness and fighting; demons incite them to crime. Etching by George Cruikshank, 1832.
  • Japan: a woman and a boy returning from a shrine, amused and startled to see drunk man dancing in the street. Colour woodcut, ca. 1900.