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78 results
  • [Fund-raising sticker for the Daily Mail Red Cross Fund. Courage].
  • Love & courage / RS Health Ltd.
  • Love & courage / RS Health Ltd.
  • The eyes of a man; expressing, according to Lavater, greatness, prudence and courage. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • Christopher Columbus, on his ship, admonishes his men for their lack of courage. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1850.
  • The Napoleonic star of courage badge, commemorating the deeds of six generals during the Napoleonic wars: six figures. Engraving.
  • Voici 2 moyens d'arrêter le SIDA / L'un a fait ses preuves, l'autre devra les faire en 2012 ... votez pour celui qui aura le courage d'agir : [François Hollande] / AIDES.
  • Voici 2 moyens d'arrêter le SIDA / L'un a fait ses preuves, l'autre devra les faire en 2012 ... votez pour celui qui aura le courage d'agir : [François Hollande] / AIDES.
  • Voici 2 moyens d'arrêter le SIDA : L'un a fait ses preuves, l'autre devra les faire en 2012 ... votez pour celui qui aura le courage d'agir : [Nicolas Sarkozy] / AIDES.
  • Voici 2 moyens d'arrêter le SIDA : L'un a fait ses preuves, l'autre devra les faire en 2012 ... votez pour celui qui aura le courage d'agir : [Nicolas Sarkozy] / AIDES.
  • The blue badge of courage: a soldier wounded in World War I holding crutches with a bandage over his head is feeding sea-gulls by a lake. Colour process print after E. Canziani, ca. 1917.
  • Multicoloured figures representing people courageously demonstrating solidarity with people with HIV and AIDS during Whitsun (Pentecost) 1988. Colour lithograph.
  • Four strips of numbered positive photos of four different women with the words: "Frauen Positiv Power'; a message about HIV positive women by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Renate Altermath and Augenblitz.
  • A valiant and resolute man (as described by Lavater): profile. Drawing, c. 1793.
  • A black woman stands in a field with flowers holding a red ribbon above her head with the sun behind; advertisement by the National Urban League, Inc for those with or affected by AIDS. Colour lithograph by P. Beane.
  • A black woman with glasses wraps her arms around a boy; advertisement by the National Urban League, Inc for those with or affected by AIDS. Colour lithograph by P. Beane.
  • An HIV positive woman standing apart from her friends at the top, and the same woman joining in with her friends below; advertising Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Lauterbach/ Boek, 199-.
  • A grateful military leader presenting virtuous soldiers with awards and punishing corrupt soldiers in a ceremony. Etching after J. Callot, ca. 1633.
  • Two women rescuing a man from the sea off the coast of Swansea. Wood engraving by W.H., 1883, after T.R.
  • Battle of Ratisbon: Napoleon, shot in the ankle, mounts his horse to join battle before the dressing of the wound is finished. Coloured engraving after C. Gautherot, 1828.
  • Queen Eleanor sucking the poison from King Edward I's arm. Line engraving by Brown after W.M. Craig.
  • Jephthah's daughter contemplating her virginity and her imminent death, surrounded by woeful attendants with musical instruments. Engraving by P. Lightfoot, 1846, after H. O'Neil.
  • Queen Eleanor sucking the poison from King Edward's arm. Coloured stipple etching by W. Wynne Ryland, 1780, after A. Kauffman.
  • Queen Eleanor sucking the poison from King Edward's arm. Coloured stipple etching by Wynne Ryland, 1780, after A. Kauffman.
  • Admiral Hyde: portrait. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • David Livingstone memorial in Blantyre; Livingstone's encounter with hostile Africans. Photograph.
  • Henry Addington as a medical practitioner bleeding the exhausted John Bull, assisted by other politicians; representing Britain's strength being sapped by nepotism in politics and by war with Napoleon. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1803.
  • Leonidas at Thermopylae. Crayon manner print by N. Bertrand, 1821, after Laguiche after J.L. David.
  • An eagle perches on a tree branch representing a message about the importance of condoms and safe sex; advertisement by the Mi'k Maq, Task Force on AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • A personified red heart split in two appearing to be in discussion; an AIDS prevention advertisement with Japanese lettering. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.