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60 results
  • 'Cocaine dosage and cocaine addiction'.
  • 'Cocaine dosage and cocaine addiction'.
  • 'Cocaine dosage and cocaine addiction'.
  • Cocaine crystals
  • Text on cocaine
  • Text on cocaine
  • Text on cocaine
  • Text on cocaine
  • Cocaine : gay men, sex and drugs / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Cocaine : gay men, sex and drugs / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Cocaine : gay men, sex and drugs / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Cocaine : gay men, sex and drugs / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Cocaine : gay men, sex and drugs / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Cocaine : gay men, sex and drugs / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Advert for Hall's Coca Wine: The Elixir of Life, an early product that used cocaine as an ingredient.
  • A young woman aware of the risk of contracting AIDS through intravenous use of heroin or cocaine. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • Erythroxylum coca Lam. Erythroxylaceae Coca. Distribution: Peru . Cocaine is extracted from the leaf. It is no longer in the UK Pharmacopoeia (used to be used as a euphoriant in ‘Brompton Mixture’ for terminally ill patients). Cocaine, widely used as a local anaesthetic until 1903, inhibits re-uptake of dopamine and serotonin at brain synapses so these mood elevating chemicals build up and cause a ‘high’. Its use was often fatal. Coca leaf chewing was described by Nicolas Monardes (1569
  • The head of a man against a backdrop of drug-related illustrations with a message that safe use of cocaine does not transmit AIDS; an advertisement by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Peder Iblher.
  • Percaine "CIBA" : The new local anaesthetic for regional, infiltration, surface and spinal anaesthesia ... not a narcotic. Economical in use. Belongs chemically to a class entirely different from cocaine & its derivatives / Clayton Aniline Co. Ltd.
  • "Shaken or stirred?" : a dab of speed to give E a kick, some champagne to wash down the cocaine, a snort of poppers to take you to a higher high... / Camden & Islington Community Health Services NHS Trust ; designed by Eureka! Graphic Design Limited.
  • "Shaken or stirred?" : a dab of speed to give E a kick, some champagne to wash down the cocaine, a snort of poppers to take you to a higher high... / Camden & Islington Community Health Services NHS Trust ; designed by Eureka! Graphic Design Limited.
  • Kelene (Κ́ηλ́ε or I calm) : pure chloride of ethyl, local anaesthetic in glass tubes.
  • Kelene (Κ́ηλ́ε or I calm) : pure chloride of ethyl, local anaesthetic in glass tubes.
  • Kelene (Κ́ηλ́ε or I calm) : pure chloride of ethyl, local anaesthetic in glass tubes.
  • Kelene (Κ́ηλ́ε or I calm) : pure chloride of ethyl, local anaesthetic in glass tubes.
  • A syringe with a bottle of liquid and a warning about the dangers of medicinal and recreational drugs and AIDS; an advertisement by the State of California AIDS Education Campaign. Lithograph.
  • The "Allenburys" throat-pastilles : efficient and palatable : February 1905.
  • Quelques infos pour mieux faire la fête / Fêtez Clairs ; Mairie de Paris and 13 others.
  • Quelques infos pour mieux faire la fête / Fêtez Clairs ; Mairie de Paris and 13 others.
  • Quelques infos pour mieux faire la fête / Fêtez Clairs ; Mairie de Paris and 13 others.