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102 results
  • Central nervous system, Zebrafish embryo
  • Neurosmon : an organ-preparation for the regeneration of trophoneurotic tissue defects of the central nervous system.
  • Neurosmon : an organ-preparation for the regeneration of trophoneurotic tissue defects of the central nervous system.
  • Neurons or nerve cells are the core components of the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS), and of the ganglia of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) controlling many motor and sensory functions of the body.
  • Neurons or nerve cells are the core components of the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS), and of the ganglia of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) controlling many motor and sensory functions of the body.
  • Mouse neural stem cells growing in culture. Neural stem cells can be made to develop into cells found in the central nervous system; neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
  • Human neural stem cells growing in culture. Neural stem cells can be made to develop into cells found in the central nervous system; neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
  • Mouse neural stem cells growing in culture. Neural stem cells can be made to develop into cells found in the central nervous system; neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
  • Human neural stem cells stained for nestin (red). Nestin is a type of intermediate filamant protein that is used as a marker of neural stem cells. The blue dots are the cell nuclei stained with DAPI. Neural stem cells can be made to develop into cells found in the central nervous system; neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
  • Valeriana officinalis L. Valerianaceae Valerianus, Phu, Nardus sylvestris, Setwal. Distribution: Europe. Popular herbalism attributes sedation to Valerian, but this is not mentioned by Coles (1657) or Gerard (1633) or Lobel (1576) or Lyte (1578) or Dioscorides (ex Gunther, 1959) or Fuchs (1553), where he quotes Pliny, Dioscorides and Galen, or Parkinson (1640), or Pomet (1712). The English translation of Tournefort (1719-1730) covers a whole page of the uses of all the different valerians, but never mentions sedation or treating anxiety. Quincy (1718) does not mention it. Because it was used in epilepsy, for which Woodville (1792) says it was useless, Haller, in his Historia stirpium indegenarum Helvetae inchoatae (1768) advocates it for those with irritability of the nervous system, as does Thomson's London Dispensatory (1811) although he lists it as an 'antispasmodic and stimulant' and for inducing menstruation. Lindley (1838) notes (as many did) that the roots smell terrible and that this makes cats excited, and in man, in large doses, induce 'scintillations, agitation and even convulsions' so used in asthenic fever, epilepsy, chorea, hysteria and as an antihelminthic.' Fluckiger & Hanbury (1879) give a wonderful account of the history of its names, but give its use as 'stimulant and antispasmodic' as do Barton & Castle (1877). but by 1936 (Martindale's Extra Pharmacopoeia) its only use was 'Given in hysterical and neurotic conditions as a sedative. Its action has been attributed to its unpleasant smell'. The European Medicines Agency (2006) approves its use as a traditional herbal medicine for mild anxiety and sleeplessness for up to 4 weeks. Despite what is written continuously about its use in ancient Greece and Rome, the only reason for its use has been because it was thought, for a brief while, to be good for epilepsy and therefore might deal with persons of a nervous disposition because of its foul smell. It has been suggested that even its Greek name, 'Phu' came from the expression of disgust which is made when one sniffs an unpleasant odour. For 1,800 years, before the last century, no-one had thought it sedative. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • [Leaflet advertising Rio Trading Company (Health) Ltd.'s Rio Amazon Guarana tablets].
  • [A5 leaflet advertising Rio Trading Company (Health) Ltd.'s Rio Amazon Guarana tablets].
  • [Leaflet advertising Rio Trading Company (Health) Ltd.'s Rio Amazon Guarana tablets].
  • [A5 leaflet advertising Rio Trading Company (Health) Ltd.'s Rio Amazon Guarana tablets].
  • [Leaflet advertising Rio Trading Company (Health) Ltd.'s Rio Amazon Guarana tablets, chewing gum and cereal bars : Make more out of every day of your life.].
  • [Leaflet advertising Rio Trading Company (Health) Ltd.'s Rio Amazon Guarana tablets, chewing gum and cereal bars : Make more out of every day of your life.].
  • [Leaflet advertising Rio Trading Company (Health) Ltd.'s Rio Amazon Guarana tablets, chewing gum and cereal bars : Make more out of every day of your life.].
  • [Leaflet advertising Rio Trading Company (Health) Ltd.'s Rio Amazon Guarana tablets, chewing gum and cereal bars : Make more out of every day of your life.].
  • [Leaflet advertising Rio Trading Company (Health) Ltd.'s Rio Amazon Guarana tablets, chewing gum and cereal bars : Make more out of every day of your life.].
  • Anacardone (Nikethamide B.D.H.) : cardiovascular and respiratory stimulant of high activity and low toxicity.
  • Anacardone (diethylnicotinamide in 25 per cent. solution).
  • Algias : Mio-Ina, medicación sinergica, antialgica y desensibilizante : vitamina B1 ...  / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Algias : Mio-Ina, medicación sinergica, antialgica y desensibilizante : vitamina B1 ...  / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Doctor: les evitará el martirio de la hora de la comida recetándole: Anorexol que despierta el apetito : Serenitas, regularizador del sistema nervioso ; simpaticotonia-vagotonia ... / Laboratorios "Drean".
  • Doctor: les evitará el martirio de la hora de la comida recetándole: Anorexol que despierta el apetito : Serenitas, regularizador del sistema nervioso ; simpaticotonia-vagotonia ... / Laboratorios "Drean".
  • International exhibition of artistic furniture and home decorations, food, health and pharmacy 1907 : Crystal Palace, London : diploma for Grand-Prix with gold medal awarded to "Ajax" dry-cell (section speciale de medecine) for electric-system...  / British Electric System.
  • International exhibition of artistic furniture and home decorations, food, health and pharmacy 1907 : Crystal Palace, London : diploma for Grand-Prix with gold medal awarded to "Ajax" dry-cell (section speciale de medecine) for electric-system...  / British Electric System.
  • Cocaine crystals
  • 'The neuronal forest' Neurons
  • MRI scan; brain cancer (glioma)