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479 results
  • British Society for the History of Medicine. Presidents Badge.
  • Received... / British Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • NCUACS : National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists under the guidance of the Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology : with compliments.
  • The Ba debate : "Food additives - for the benefit of the manufacturer or the consumer?" / British Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • British Association for the Advancement of Science, meeting, Southampton, 1846: some of the participants. Wood engraving, 1846.
  • British Association for the Advancement of Science: the president-elect and presidents of departments. Wood engraving, 1883.
  • British Association for the Advancement of Science, meeting, Southampton, 1846: some of the participants. Wood engraving by Smyth, 1846.
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at York, 1844, with vignettes of its officers. Wood engraving, 1844.
  • [Membership card (Certificate of enrolment) for the British Red Cross Society. Used in December 1942].
  • [Membership card (Certificate of enrolment) for the British Red Cross Society. Used in April 1941].
  • [Membership card (Certificate of enrolment) for the British Red Cross Society. Used in December 1942].
  • [Membership card (Certificate of enrolment) for the British Red Cross Society. Used in April 1941].
  • [Membership card (Certificate of enrolment) for the British Red Cross Society. Used in April 1941].
  • [Membership card (Certificate of enrolment) for the British Red Cross Society. Used in December 1942].
  • [Membership card (Certificate of enrolment) for the British Red Cross Society. Used in April 1941].
  • [Membership card (Certificate of enrolment) for the British Red Cross Society. Used in December 1942].
  • British seamen for British ships : the increase of the foreign element in our mercantile marine & the gradual elimination of the British sailor is becoming a grave national danger / The Marine Society.
  • British seamen for British ships : the increase of the foreign element in our mercantile marine & the gradual elimination of the British sailor is becoming a grave national danger / The Marine Society.
  • British seamen for British ships : the increase of the foreign element in our mercantile marine & the gradual elimination of the British sailor is becoming a grave national danger / The Marine Society.
  • British Association for the Advancement of Science: speakers at its meeting in Cambridge in 1904. Drawing by A.S. Boyd, 1904.
  • British Association for the Advancement of Science: speakers at its meeting in Cambridge in 1904. Coloured drawing by A.S. Boyd, 1904.
  • [Membership form (Form D (8) - certificate of enrolment) for the British Red Cross Society. Issued in February 1938].