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346 results
  • Four gay men embracing; representing solidarity with the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Michael Taubenheim and Jason R. Engelbart for the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Lectures on AIDS to be given at the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V., in 1994. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • Centenary of Aids-Hilfe Frankfurt e.V.: workshops, conference and an evening reading. Lithograph, 1995.
  • Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • A man in drag on a motor-bike wearing a tiara of antlers; advertising a party supported by Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • The face of a woman in speckled black ink with her eyes scratched in green representing an advertisement for an international exhibition of AIDS posters entitled 'Visual AIDS' from 6 to 19 November 1989 by the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V and Deutschen AIDS-Hilfe e.V; a project of the seminar "AIDS and the Arts" of the University of Western Ontario in collaboration with the AIDS-Hilfe London and Canada. Colour lithograph by Detlev Pusch.
  • Mr Leather International promoting safe sex for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Lithograph, 1987.
  • Benefit performance organised by Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph after B. Schafertöns, 1992.
  • Two gay men in bed, one of them disturbing the other who is reading a newspaper by trying to peep into his underpants; advertising Thursday gay breakfasts at the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Numerous hands clustered together with the words 'Wir brauchen Dich' [we need you] representing an advertisement for the centenary of the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V. and an appeal for volunteers. Colour lithograph by Carolyn Jones and Comdesign, [1995].
  • Mein Freund ist positiv : ich liebe ihn / Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. ; Photo Ingo Taubhorn.
  • Mein Freund ist positiv : ich liebe ihn / Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. ; Photo Ingo Taubhorn.
  • Two yellow lines representing the logo for the AIDS-Hilfe Pforzheim e.V. with contact details. Colour lithograph.
  • A jagged yellow, blue and red design with four vignettes representing relationships and messages in German emphasizing self-help by AIDS patients: ; ; an advertisment for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph for the for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 1996.
  • A jagged yellow, blue and red design with four vignettes representing relationships and messages in German emphasizing self-help by AIDS patients: ; ; an advertisment for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph for the for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 1996.
  • People shown in different colours, representing the variety of people needing the help of AIDS-Hilfe Kaiserslautern e.V. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • Naked men in a shower with a message about sweating, syringes and safe sex. Lithograph for Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Naked men in a shower; advertising a gay bathing party organised by AIDS-Hilfe Nürnberg-Erlangen-Fürth e.V. Colour lithograph.
  • A stretched condom wearing a red bow tie; advertising the AIDS-Hilfe Duisberg/Kreis Wesel e.V. Colour lithograph by Sandra Schweda.
  • A naked man in a sauna with a message promoting safe sex. Colour lithograph by Michael Bidner for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Two young men smiling at each other; an advertisement by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Reinhard Lorenz and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • Two naked men having oral sex; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by I. Taubhorn and Trash Line Design for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • A rentboy offers himself subject to use of a condom; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Martin E. Kautter and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • A rent-boy leans against a bar holding a glass with a message endorsing safe sex. Colour lithograph for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 199-.
  • A rent-boy leans against a bar holding a glass with a message endorsing safe sex. Colour lithograph for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 199-.
  • A naked man is held up by another; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and Wolfgang Mudra for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • A Spanish rent boy who insists on safe sex gives "perfect customer service"; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by Wolfang Mudra and Martin E. Kautter for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • The word 'AIDS' aflame against a quotation about silence from Dante's 'Inferno; advertising the counseling services of AIDS-Hilfe Weimar e.V. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • A couple of male and a couple of female symbols dancing, representing a party provided by AIDS-Hilfe Flensburg e. V. and by lesbian and gay organizations. Colour lithograph, 1994.