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170 results
  • Rodrigues Fruit Bats
  • Eight different specimen of bats shown with spread and folded wings. Coloured etching by S. Milne.
  • Three old hags surround a basket of new-born babies with bats in the distance. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/98.
  • Three old hags surround a basket of new-born babies with bats in the distance. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/98.
  • A tonga bat is shown surrounded by the heads, skulls and teeths of different specimen of the family of bats. Coloured etching by S. Milne and Turvey.
  • A man in Egypt tied to a stake receives a beating with wooden bats. Lithograph by Edouard after J.J. Rifaud.
  • A winged man grabbing a young naked woman by the hand while another sits reading a book surrounded by owls and bats. Etching by J.M. Martínez Espinosa after F. Goya.
  • The evolution of a shuttlecock and bats into a sheep into a timid young man, and his hat into a baby into his umbrella; representing Darwin's theories. Wood engraving after C. Bennett, 1863.
  • Fruit bat tongue
  • Heads of a horse shoe bat and a common bat. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • Top, a barbastelle bat; bottom, a pipistrelle bat. Engraving by J.C. Baquoy after Buvée l'Ameriquain, 1760.
  • A flying short eared bat. Etching.
  • Brown long-eared bat, x-ray.
  • Top, the lesser horseshoe bat; bottom, a bat with large ears. Engraving by J.C. Baquoy after Buvée l'Ameriquain, 1760.
  • On lupus erythematosus; or bat's-wing disease / by Balmanno Squire.
  • The skeleton of a hedgehog, lizard, bat, frog, crocodile and dog. Engraving.
  • A man hitting a ball with a bat. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A man hitting a ball with a bat. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A bat-eared fennec. Engraving by E Finden, ca 1826, after Major Denham.
  • A naked man stands, legs well apart, his body turning as he swings a baseball bat to hit a ball then relaxes and raises the bat in front of himself. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A bird or bat fly (Penicillidia dufouri). Coloured drawing by A.J.E. Terzi.
  • British politicians playing cricket: Parnell, batting with a bat marked "treason" is bowled by The times newspaper. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 14 May 1887.
  • Two scenes of people in mediaeval costume playing games with a bat and ball. Etching.
  • A long-eared bat flying over a churchyard. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • Two dogs sitting next to human bones howl at a large bat in the air. Etching.
  • A bat and three fully dressed birds flying by moonlight. Watercolour by G. Hope Tait, ca. 1900.
  • Skeletons of a seal, a bat, a lion, a coatimondi, and a lotong (monkey) Line engraving, 1830/1870?.
  • Children are playing cricket with a bat and ball, others are skipping in the background. Etching by H. Gravelot.
  • Fossilized organic remains, including those of a human, an an ornithocephalus and a bat. Etching by W. H. Lizars.
  • A naked man stands, legs well apart, swinging a baseball bat to hit a ball. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.