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62 results
  • Baptism of a king and queen. Woodcut.
  • The Baptism of Christ. Lithograph by M. Fanoli, 1849, after G. Jäger.
  • A Zoroastrian baptism in Persia. Etching after B. Picart.
  • The Roman Catholic sacraments: baptism. Etching after B. Picart.
  • A baptism in an Anglican church. Etching by A. Smith.
  • A baptism according to the Covenanters' rite. Lithograph after Sir G. Harvey.
  • The baptism of Christ. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, 1830, after F. Albani.
  • The baptism of Tristram Shandy. Etching by J. Heath, 1780, after W. Hogarth.
  • The baptism of Christ. Lithograph by G. Markendorf after Francesco Raibolini, il Francia.
  • A congregation going to a baptism in the canton of Lucerne, Switzerland. Lithograph.
  • A baptism being administered by a priest in a church. Etching by B. Picart.
  • A baptism according to the Roman Catholic rite. Engraving by A. Thom after B. Picart.
  • A woman holds a baby as others prepare for its baptism around the mother's bed. Engraving by A. Bosse.
  • Two episodes in Tristram Shandy: (left) four figures smoking and relaxing in Shandy Hall; (right) the baptism of Tristram. Engraving after W. Hogarth.
  • A baptism of a group of babies according to the Covenanter's rite in a stream in a valley. Line engraving with mezzotint by C. E. Wagstaff after G. Harvey.
  • The western and eastern churches represented by St. Peter's in Rome and S. Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople); Jewish circumcision and the baptism of a baby by a bishop . Engraving by R. Smith.
  • The western and eastern churches represented by St. Peter's in Rome and S. Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople); Jewish circumcision and the baptism of a baby by a bishop . Engraving by R. Smith.
  • The western and eastern churches represented by St. Peter's in Rome and S. Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople); Jewish circumcision and the baptism of a baby by a bishop, with a border showing headwear of different groups. Engraving by R. Smith.
  • The western and eastern churches represented by St. Peter's in Rome and S. Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople); Jewish circumcision and the baptism of a baby by a bishop, with a border showing headwear of different groups. Engraving by R. Smith.
  • Baptismal syringes, 17thC
  • Baptismal syringes, 17thC
  • Saint John the Baptist baptises Christ; an angel with a book descends from above. Wood engraving by the Dalziel brothers, 1854, after W.O. Williams after Giotto.
  • A bishop baptizes a child held by its mother. Lithograph by J.G. Schreiner after M. Seitz after H.M. von Hess.
  • Saint Valentine baptising Saint Lucilla. Engraving by F. Ricci after J. Bassano.
  • A new-born baby being baptised by a midwife in the mother's bedroom. Etching by B. Picart.
  • John baptises Christ; the holy spirit descends. Etching by J. Mynde, c. 1737.
  • John baptises Christ; two angels watch. Engraving by T. Crüger, ca. 1617, after A. del Sarto.
  • A family enters a church at Ariccia for the christening of a child. Engraving by L. Stocks after P. Williams.
  • Saint Boniface: he baptizes Germans. Engraving by H. Kipp after K. Clasen.
  • Saint Peter Claver. Engraving by J. Vitta after P. Gagliardi.