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160 results
  • A North American Indian wearing an animal's head and
  • An American Indian medicine man attending a sick child
  • Female figurine with halo, probably amuletic, bronze, South American Indian
  • A native American grinding root vegetables to make the remedy marketed as Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills, and other native American activities. Colour lithographs, ca. 1900.
  • A native American grinding root vegetables to make the remedy marketed as Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills, and other native American activities. Colour lithographs, ca. 1900.
  • A native American grinding root vegetables to make the remedy marketed as Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills, and other native American activities. Colour lithographs, ca. 1900.
  • A native American grinding root vegetables to make the remedy marketed as Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills, and other native American activities. Colour lithographs, ca. 1900.
  • An American Indian holding a drum stick with feathers and decorative hangings with a list of ways you can and can't get AIDS; advertisement by the American Indian Health Care Assocation. Colour lithograph by Christopher Sheriff, 1989.
  • An American Indian woman with long hair and a striped robe looks to the left in a purple landscape with other random figures walking in different directions; advertisement for the HIV antibody test by the American Indian Health Care Association. Colour lithograph by Ernie Whiteman, 1990.
  • A native American holding a drum stick with feathers and decorative hangings with a list of ways you can and can't get AIDS; advertisement by the American Indian Health Care Assocation. Colour lithograph by Christopher Sheriff, 1989.
  • The shadow of a native American man wearing a head-dress emerging from flames; warning to native Americans to practice safe sex by using condoms by the American Indian Health Care Assocation. Colour lithograph by Christopher Sheriff and Edward Sheriff Curtis, 1990.
  • General Tom Thumb the celebrated American dwarf : exhibiting every day and evening, in Caitlin's Indian Gallery, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, for a short time only!!.
  • General Tom Thumb the celebrated American dwarf : exhibiting every day and evening, in Caitlin's Indian Gallery, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, for a short time only!!.
  • Cremation of a native American lying on a plank of wood above a fire; warning issued by the Californian Rural Indian Health Board to native Americans to practice safe sex. Colour lithograph.
  • A native American woman with long hair and a striped robe looks to the left in a purple landscape with other random figures walking in different directions; advertisement for the HIV antibody test by the American Indian Health Care Association. Colour lithograph after Ernie Whiteman, 1990.
  • Native American children in a variety of poses suggesting blindness and hiding representing a warning that we isolate ourselves from HIV/AIDS; advertisement about AIDS education and clinical services for native Indian women and children by the Seattle Indian Health Board. Colour lithograph.
  • An owl spreads its wings clutching its prey beneath the moon; warning that AIDS is a prolonged death by the American Indian Health Care Assocation. Colour lithograph by Christopher Sheriff, 1989.
  • An owl spreads its wings clutching its prey beneath the moon; warning that AIDS is a prolonged death by the American Indian Health Care Assocation. Colour lithograph by Christopher Sheriff, 1989.
  • Saint Francis Xavier as a missionary with a Chinese woman, an African man, a Native American and an Indian; showing them an image of Christ holding a lamb. Lithograph after C. Mezzana.
  • A Native American man offering a pink condom to a couple with a message to use condoms to avoid the spread of AIDS; advertisement by the Seattle Indian Health Board. Lithograph by Stewart Tilger and Christine P. Salvador.
  • A native North American as a traditional youth dancer surrounded by hands forming a circle with feathers; advertisement for AIDS Awareness Week October 3-9, 1994 by the Assembly of First Nations National Indian Brotherhood. Colour lithograph by Sean Couchie, 1994.
  • Gladstone, asleep in a chair next to a fire, has a nightmare vision of Disraeli showing Queen Victoria celebrating Christmas dinner with foreigners, including a Chinese man, a native American, an African man and an Indian man. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 25 December 1886.
  • Manufacture of Stone implements, North American Indians.
  • Portrait of American Indians by W. Langdon Kihn.
  • Portrait of American Indians by W. Langdon Kihn.
  • Portrait of American Indians by W. Langdon Kihn.
  • Portrait of American Indians by W. Langdon Kihn.
  • Portrait of American Indians by W. Langdon Kihn.
  • Crutch-like wooden flaking-tools used by American Indians
  • South American Indians preparing an arrow poison of curare.