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39 results
  • Napoleon climbing a headless skeleton trying to reach an unattainable crown; representing his imperial ambitions for France and his own for sovereignty. Coloured etching, 1803.
  • W.E. Gladstone as Dr. Faustus making a pact with Mephistopheles in order to satisfy his political ambitions. Lithograph by J.M Rogier, 12 December 1885.
  • Larevellière-Lépeaux sits in a disordered quack doctor's room, in the presence of seven wounded French generals, one of them vomiting; representing French defeats in 1799 and Bonaparte's failed imperial ambitions in the east. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • Mars [Ares]. Engraving by G. van der Gucht after L. Cheron after L. Carracci.
  • John Breval acting as tutor to George 3rd Earl of Cholmondeley on the Grand Tour introduces him to a statue of Diana; a genius shows a perspective drawing of Cholmondeley Castle to Minerva. Engraving by E. Kirkall, 1726, after L. Cheron.
  • A gouty vicar dining on meat and wine. Etching by T. Best.
  • Empedocles. Line engraving after C. Vignon.
  • Street entertainers in Nottingham: James Burne, called Shelford Tommy, a ventriloquist (left) and Charley, a man playing a shawm (right). Etching with aquatint, 1797.
  • King George III analysing the residue from a large glass retort containing a small figure; representing the English view of Napoleon. Coloured aquatint by T. West, 1803.
  • The pool of Bethesda. Oil painting by L. Chéron, ca. 1683.
  • The pool of Bethesda. Oil painting by L. Chéron, ca. 1683.
  • The pool of Bethesda. Oil painting by L. Chéron, ca. 1683.
  • The pool of Bethesda. Oil painting by L. Chéron, ca. 1683.
  • Maria Cosway painting in a lunatic's cell in an asylum. Coloured etching, 1786.
  • Dr. Monro (physician to Bedlam) examining the straight jacketed and dishevelled Charles James Fox; representing the fall of the Coalition. Etching by T. Rowlandson, 1784.
  • Dr. Monro (physician to Bedlam) examining the straight jacketed and dishevelled Charles James Fox; representing the fall of the Coalition. Etching by T. Rowlandson, 1784.
  • A young woman faints on hearing the news of the death of General Wallenstein (?). Line engraving with etching by Peter Carl Geissler.
  • Small winged boys are flying around a large petticoat with an inscription under a bishop's mitre, rod and cross and a temporal crown with sword and sceptre: representing the Three Grand Temptations: Spiritual Pride, Temporal Power and Earthly Love. Coloured engraving.
  • The adoration of the shepherds at the birth of Christ. Etching by G. Barri, 1667, after Paolo Caliari, il Veronese.
  • European royals and martial heroes marvel at the sight of the defeated Napoleon Bonaparte standing in a glass bottle in their midst. Coloured etching.
  • advertisement by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe
  • A homeless family pulling a covered wagon up a steep mountain side in Tyrol; on the path they pass two priests in cassocks, carrying crosses. Wood engraving, 1879, after M. Schmid.
  • Eastern-Dispensary for Relief of the Poor : Great Alie Street, 179 : having been received as a patient under the care of.
  • Eastern-Dispensary for Relief of the Poor : Great Alie Street, 179 : having been received as a patient under the care of.
  • Surrey Dispensary for the Relief of the Poor : Union Street, of 178... : having been received as a patient under the care of... by your recommendation, and discharged this day... I beg leave to return my most humble and hearty thanks for the same.
  • Surrey Dispensary for the Relief of the Poor : Union Street, of 178... : having been received as a patient under the care of... by your recommendation, and discharged this day... I beg leave to return my most humble and hearty thanks for the same.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • To the Eastern Dispensary in Great Alie Street : I recommend... believing... to be a proper object of this charity...day of... 179...
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.