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58 results filtered with: 16th century
  • Dorsal view of the forebrain of a wild-type zebrafish embryo
  • Histoire dún voyage fait en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique. Contenant la navigation et choses remarquables veues sur mer / par l'autheur. Le comportement de Villegagnon en ce pays-là. Les moeurs et façons de viure estranges des sauuages ameriquains: auec vn colloque de leur langage. Ensemble la description de plusieurs animaux, arbres, herbes et autres choses singulières ... Reveve, corrigée et bien augmentee en ceste troisieme edition, tant de figures.
  • Hieronymus Mercurialis, De arte gymnastica.
  • The discoverie of the large rich, and bewtifvl empire of Gviana. With / a relation of the great and Golden Citie / of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El / Dorado) And of the Prouinces of Emeria, / Arromaia, Amapaia, and other Cou- / tries, with their riuers, ad- / ioyning. / Performed in the yeare 1595, by Sir W. Ralegh. Knight, Captaine of her / Maiesties Guard, Lo. Warden / of the Stanneries, and her High- / nesse Lieutenant generall / of the Countie of / Cornewall / [Sir Walter Raleigh].
  • Self-protection : today, Trasidrex provides protection for the 'heart-at-risk'.
  • Hans Bock d.A. Das Bad zu Leuk, 1597.
  • Collection des chirurgiens grecs avec dessins attribués au Primatrice.
  • Jost Amman's Stände und Handwerker mit Versen von Han Sachs / [Jost Amman].
  • High matter, dark language : the philosophy of Robert Fludd (1574-1637) an exhibition at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine catalogue / [prepared by] Christine English, Michael Fend and Robert Jan van Pelt.
  • De Iride: De Liquiritia:
  • Self-protection : today, Trasidrex provides protection for the 'heart-at-risk'.
  • Phillip Stubbes's Anatomy of the abuses in England in Shakspere's youth, A.D. 1583 / edited by Frederick J. Furnivall.
  • Collection des chirurgiens grecs avec dessins attribués au Primatrice.
  • Jost Amman's Stände und Handwerker mit Versen von Han Sachs / [Jost Amman].
  • Betony.
  • Jost Amman's Stände und Handwerker mit Versen von Han Sachs / [Jost Amman].
  • Harrison's Description of England in Shakespere's youth : Being the second and third books of his Description of Britaine and England / edited from the first two editions of Holinshed's Chronicle, A.D. 1577, 1578, by Frederick J. Furnivall.
  • Head with areas annotated.
  • Four eagle-stone geodes. Woodcut, 1599.
  • Self-protection : today, Trasidrex provides protection for the 'heart-at-risk'.
  • Self-protection : today, Trasidrex provides protection for the 'heart-at-risk'.
  • The discoverie of the large rich, and bewtifvl empire of Gviana. With / a relation of the great and Golden Citie / of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El / Dorado) And of the Prouinces of Emeria, / Arromaia, Amapaia, and other Cou- / tries, with their riuers, ad- / ioyning. / Performed in the yeare 1595, by Sir W. Ralegh. Knight, Captaine of her / Maiesties Guard, Lo. Warden / of the Stanneries, and her High- / nesse Lieutenant generall / of the Countie of / Cornewall / [Sir Walter Raleigh].
  • Jost Amman's Stände und Handwerker mit Versen von Han Sachs / [Jost Amman].
  • Jost Amman's Stände und Handwerker mit Versen von Han Sachs / [Jost Amman].
  • Narcissus.
  • Feldbuch der Wundarznei / Mit einem Vorwort zum Neudruck von Johannes Steudel.
  • Jost Amman's Stände und Handwerker mit Versen von Han Sachs / [Jost Amman].
  • The birth figures, I & II: the womans stooles.
  • Self-protection : today, Trasidrex provides protection for the 'heart-at-risk'.
  • Jost Amman's Stände und Handwerker mit Versen von Han Sachs / [Jost Amman].