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54 results
  • An innkeeper composed of wine bottles and grapes. Engraving, c. 1660 (?).
  • The 1904 World's Fair, St. Louis, Missouri: an exhibit relating to wine, including a display of wine bottles. Photograph, 1904.
  • An Inca man requests a goddess of the Incas to hand over coca, but she refuses, holding a bottle of coca wine for herself. Colour lithograph by A. Mucha, 189-.
  • Parodies of pictures at the Royal Academy: women enjoying a bottle of wine, a nun wearing a wimple and a cross, a man riding a hobby horse and a dog with very large teeth. Wood engraving by Dalziel Brothers after John Gordon Thomson, 1871-1872.
  • Nine illustrations following the sequence of events of a date between Yves and Pascale which results in sex with a condom; the illustrations include a car, a chef holding up a restaurant menu, a cinema ticket, a car, a bottle of wine and 2 glasses, 2 cigarettes in an ash tray and a condom packet; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph by P. Petit-Roulet.
  • A apparatus used in the bottling of wine and machines used in shoe manufacture. Engraving by E. Kennien after C. Varley.
  • Two naked children wrapping and inspecting champagne bottles. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children tasting champagne and tying up bottles. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children tying up and storing champagne bottles. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • A man destroys his entire wine stock to the horror of his wife. Wood-engraving by J. Johnston, c. 1864, after G. Cruikshank.
  • Two naked children bottling champagne. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • A drunken young man raises a glass in one hand and spills wine from a flask in the other. Coloured etching by R.F. Brichet, 1784, after J. F. de Göz.
  • Five elderly people sit at a table drinking port as one man tells a story. Etching, c. 1795.
  • A woman and man sit at a table drinking as the man raises the bottle in his right hand. Lithograph, 19th century.
  • A fat parson with large glass of port in hand is watched by a thin, naked man representing care (worry), and tells him to be gone. Coloured etching after G. Woodward, 1796.
  • A champagne glass bearing the name of the champagne maker, "Bässler" with the AIDS red ribbon bottom left; advertising the firm's support for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by M. Wilhelm.
  • A man sits by a table and examines a full glass of wine that he holds to the light. Mezzotint by H. Dawe, c. 1824, after M. W. Sharp.
  • Men and boys at a table drinking as a musician plays the lute. Engraving by A. Reindel, early 19th century, after A. Desenne after B. Manfredi, c. 1600.
  • Three men smoking and drinking in a tavern: one man, when drunk, tends to abuse Irish people; the second, who is Irish, tends to attack anyone abusing Irish people; and the third man looks on. Coloured lithograph.
  • Three men smoking and drinking in a tavern: one man, when drunk, tends to abuse Irish people; the second, who is Irish, tends to attack anyone abusing Irish people; and the third man looks on. Coloured lithograph.
  • Women eject a drunk and publican from a bar in a crusade against drunkenness. Wood-engraving by A. Joliet, c. 1875, after Castelli.
  • An English doctor instructs his English patient not to eat as he does. Coloured engraving by Louis-Franc̦ois Charon.
  • Three men carousing beneath a mulberry tree, with verses of a song comparing the life of humans to the life of a tree. Etching after I. Cruikshank, 1808.
  • The effects of medicine and wine-drinking compared. Ink drawing, 18--.
  • The risen Christ shares supper with two men at Emmaus. Lithograph by F.S. Hanfstaengl after P. Caliari, il Veronese.
  • The risen Christ shares supper with two men at Emmaus. Etching by R. Delaunay after P. Caliari, il Veronese.
  • Recipes to help you discover the extra pleasure of meats with wine / Wine Advisory Board.
  • Recipes to help you discover the extra pleasure of meats with wine / Wine Advisory Board.
  • A man seated at a bar table, drinking excessively and smoking a cigarette while complaining about expenditure. Colour lithograph, 196-, by J. Wiktorowski.
  • A doctor advising a poor and wretched looking man, his recommendations revealing his ignorance of the social circumstances of the patient. Etching after R. Browning, 1830.