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14 results
  • A giant, Mr. Robert Hales, named "The Yorkshire Giant," who will exhibit in Nottingham next week, is nearly eight feet in height, and weighs 462 lb.
  • Jesus appoints Peter as head of the church; he tells him "thou art Peter … And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven". Colour mixed media print by P.P.A. Robert and N. Le Sueur after Raphael.
  • Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis. Line engraving by J. Daullé and J.G. Wille, 1741, after R. Levrac-Tournières, 1737.
  • A bomb-shell with a lighted fuse beneath a column inscribed "legislative union" is surrounded by prominent Tory ministers who debate how best to deal with the danger, as Daniel O'Connell steals off. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1843.
  • Aske's Hospital, Shoreditch, London: the facade. Engraving.
  • The faces of Latin American men and women of New York united in their support against AIDS by the New York State Health Department. Colour lithograph.
  • Wellington and Peel, in the roles of the body-snatchers Burke and Hare, suffocating John Bull; representing the extinguishing by Wellington and Peel of the constitution of 1688 by Catholic Emancipation. Coloured etching, 1829.
  • Phrenological head of Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • Phrenological head of Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • Phrenological head of Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • Foundling Hospital, London. Etching by H. Roberts, 1749, after J. Robinson after T. Jacobson.
  • The trunks of the vena cava, with their branches(Table VI, fig. 1); the trunks of the vena porta (Table VI, fig. 2), both after an engraving by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper, 1702, after a preparation by G. Leoni, c. 1645; the brain, nerves and spine, after Eustachius, by 1552 (Table VII) Etching by I. Basire, 1743.
  • An écorché figure (life-size), lying prone on a table: the right arm hangs down below the table. Red chalk and pencil drawing, with bodycolour, by C. Landseer, 1813 (?).
  • An écorché figure (life-size), lying prone on a table: the right arm hangs down below the table. Red chalk and pencil drawing, with bodycolour, by C. Landseer, 1813 (?).