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19 results
  • Portrait of Josiah Wedgwood after Sir J. Reynolds
  • Tobias George Smollett. Line engraving by J. T. Wedgwood, 1817.
  • George Crabbe. Stipple engraving by J. T. Wedgwood after H. W. Pickersgill.
  • Erasmus Darwin. Line engraving by J. T. Wedgwood, 1820 after J. Thurston after J. Wright, 1770.
  • A diseased uterus, lettered for key. Aquatint by J. Wedgwood after J. Howship for Robert Hooper, 1829.
  • Nacton allows the patient, not the ulcer, to dictate his diet : Wedgwood's Gold Persephone, after a design Eric Ravilious, used at the Coronation banquet of H.M. the Queen.
  • Nacton allows the patient, not the ulcer, to dictate his diet : Wedgwood's Gold Persephone, after a design Eric Ravilious, used at the Coronation banquet of H.M. the Queen.
  • Nacton allows the patient, not the ulcer, to dictate his diet : Wedgwood's Gold Persephone, after a design Eric Ravilious, used at the Coronation banquet of H.M. the Queen.
  • Nacton allows the patient, not the ulcer, to dictate his diet : Wedgwood's Gold Persephone, after a design Eric Ravilious, used at the Coronation banquet of H.M. the Queen.
  • Bust of Sir Isaac Newton; c. 1770
  • Bust of Sir Isaac Newton; c. 1770
  • Plaque of Priestley by John Flaxman.
  • Sednine : as an example of English pottery there is no improving on this Wedgewood vase and stopper ...
  • Sednine : as an example of English pottery there is no improving on this Wedgewood vase and stopper ...
  • Sednine : as an example of English pottery there is no improving on this Wedgewood vase and stopper ...
  • Sednine : as an example of English pottery there is no improving on this Wedgewood vase and stopper ...
  • A mother giving birth to a baby. Oil painting, 1800.
  • A mother giving birth to a baby. Oil painting, 1800.
  • A mother giving birth to a baby. Oil painting, 1800.