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21 results
  • Salvitae in treatment of rheumatism gout lithaemia.
  • Berk Pharmaceuticals Limited introduce Caplenal Allopurinol BP 100mg tablets.
  • Salvitae : Osler and McCrae advise the employment of sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium salts for the prevention of acidosis.
  • 'Zyloric'.
  • 'Zyloric'.
  • Salvitae : common colds, grippe, intestinal flu, nature's S.O.S. signal.
  • Wherever gout strikes Zyloric protects.
  • Wherever gout strikes Zyloric protects.
  • Wherever gout strikes Zyloric protects.
  • Wherever gout strikes Zyloric protects.
  • Zyloric prevents the formation of high uric acid levels in the body : apply a raw lean beef-steak to the gouty part ...
  • Zyloric prevents the formation of high uric acid levels in the body : apply a raw lean beef-steak to the gouty part ...
  • Zyloric prevents the formation of high uric acid levels in the body : apply a raw lean beef-steak to the gouty part ...
  • Zyloric prevents the formation of high uric acid levels in the body : apply a raw lean beef-steak to the gouty part ...
  • The pains of gout could be eased by boiling rosemary leaves and tying them, wrapped in linen, round the afflicted members. Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, E. & M. Radford : 'Zyloric' Allopurinol.
  • Kruschen Salts.
  • Gout, rheumatism, couty eczema, liver and kidney diseases are caused by the presence of uric acid in the blood : Kruschen Salts.
  • The pains of gout could be eased by boiling rosemary leaves and tying them, wrapped in linen, round the afflicted members. Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, E. & M. Radford : 'Zyloric' Allopurinol.
  • Gout, rheumatism, couty eczema, liver and kidney diseases are caused by the presence of uric acid in the blood : Kruschen Salts.
  • Atoquinol (allyl phenylcinchoninester) : the most active eliminant of irritant or toxic acid waste without harmful action on digestive or other systems.
  • Atoquinol "Ciba" : mobilises and eliminates uric acid.