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98 results
  • We do not mind if it rains and wets us through- we are not afraid of anything as we have in our basket the genuine "Fer Bravais" which will preserve us from all illnesses.
  • Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son's family medicines for the cure of consumption, liver complaint, and dyspepsia : for sale by all druggists / Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son.
  • Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son's family medicines for the cure of consumption, liver complaint, and dyspepsia : for sale by all druggists / Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son.
  • Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son's family medicines for the cure of consumption, liver complaint, and dyspepsia : for sale by all druggists / Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son.
  • Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son's family medicines for the cure of consumption, liver complaint, and dyspepsia : for sale by all druggists / Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son.
  • Penazol P.A.S. / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Penazol P.A.S. / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Sanipirol : en todos las formas clinicas de la tuberculosis / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
  • Penazol P.A.S. / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Penazol P.A.S. / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Sanipirol : en todos las formas clinicas de la tuberculosis / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
  • Take Schenck's pulmonic syrup for the coughs, colds and consumption / Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son.
  • Take Schenck's pulmonic syrup for the coughs, colds and consumption / Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son.
  • Take Schenck's pulmonic syrup for the coughs, colds and consumption / Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son.
  • Take Schenck's pulmonic syrup for the coughs, colds and consumption / Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son.
  • La contribución Latino-Americana a la terapéutica de la tuberculosis : Gadusan.
  • Angier's Emulsion heals the lungs, helps digestion / Angier Chemical Co. Ltd.
  • Angier's Emulsion heals the lungs, helps digestion / Angier Chemical Co. Ltd.
  • Angier's Emulsion heals the lungs, helps digestion / Angier Chemical Co. Ltd.
  • Angier's Emulsion heals the lungs, helps digestion / Angier Chemical Co. Ltd.
  • Angier's Emulsion heals the lungs, helps digestion / Angier Chemical Co. Ltd.
  • Angier's Emulsion heals the lungs, helps digestion / Angier Chemical Co. Ltd.
  • Tuberculomucin Weleminsky.
  • Tuberculomucin Weleminsky.
  • Tuberculomucin Weleminsky.
  • Tuberculomucin Weleminsky.
  • Parker's Tonic : the great health and strength  restorer : cures coughs, consumption, asthma by rejuvenating the blood / Hiscox & Co.
  • Parker's Tonic : the great health and strength  restorer : cures coughs, consumption, asthma by rejuvenating the blood / Hiscox & Co.
  • Baldwin's Patent Herbal Medicines : the medicine of nature : a life invigorating remedy for nervousness, debility, consumption, insomnia, lowness of spirits.
  • The floral emblems of purity are the white lily & the star of Bethlehem : for purity of blood use Frazer's Sulphur Tablets : test them free of charge.