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41 results
  • A boy tears up his school textbooks in a fit of anger against his education. Engraving W.C. Wrankmore after C. Wrankmore.
  • C15 Chinese medical textbook, Foreword
  • McAll's translation of A TextBook of Pathology
  • Cover of Po-wu-hsin-pien (textbook on natural sciences)
  • Diagram of the brain for a phrenological textbook. Pen drawing, c. 1902.
  • Obstetrics : a textbook for the use of students and practitioners / by J. Whitridge Williams.
  • Science instruments in Po-wu hsin-pien: Part 1: ch'u-chi (textbook on natural sciences)
  • First text page of Po-wu-hsin-pien: Part 3: san-chi (textbook on natural sciences)
  • First Page of Po-wu-hsin-pien: Part 1: ch'u-chi (textbook on natural sciences)
  • Steam powered machinery in Po-wu hsin-pien: Part 1: ch'u-chi (textbook on natural sciences)
  • First text page of Po-wu-hsin-pien: Part 1: ch'u-chi (textbook on natural sciences)
  • A general textbook of nursing : a comprehensive guide to the final state examinations / by Evelyn C. Pearce.
  • Three diagrams of the organisation of the lobes of the brain for a phrenological textbook. Pen drawing, c. 1902.
  • Diagrams on perspective and optics in Po-wu hsin-pien: Part 1: ch'u-chi (textbook on natural sciences)
  • Page of text from the Susrutasamhita, an ayurvedic textbook, on various surgical procedures and surgical instruments. The text presents itself as the teachings of Dhanvantari, King of Kasi (Benares) to his pupil Susruta.
  • Page of text from the Susrutasamhita, an ayurvedic textbook, on various surgical procedures and surgical instruments. The text presents itself as the teachings of Dhanvantari, King of Kasi (Benares) to his pupil Susruta.
  • Page of text from the Susrutasamhita, an ayurvedic textbook, on various surgical procedures and surgical instruments. The text presents itself as the teachings of Dhanvantari, King of Kasi (Benares) to his pupil Susruta.
  • A textbook of human physiology : including histology and microscopical anatomy with special reference to the requirements of practical medicine / by L. Landois ; translated from the 4th German edition, with additions by William Stirling.
  • Nasenplastik und sonstige Gesichtsplastik : nebst einem Anhang über Mammaplastik und einige weitere Operationen aus dem Gebiete der äusseren Körperplastik ein Atlas und Lehrbuch / von J. Joseph.
  • Nasenplastik und sonstige Gesichtsplastik : nebst einem Anhang über Mammaplastik und einige weitere Operationen aus dem Gebiete der äusseren Körperplastik ein Atlas und Lehrbuch / von J. Joseph.
  • Nasenplastik und sonstige Gesichtsplastik : nebst einem Anhang über Mammaplastik und einige weitere Operationen aus dem Gebiete der äusseren Körperplastik ein Atlas und Lehrbuch / von J. Joseph.
  • Now ready : cloth boards, price 3s. 6d. : Part 1. Contributions to practical surgery : pathological, therapeutic & operative, by James George Beaney F.R.C.S.E. : surgeon to the Melbourne Hospital.
  • A profile of a man bisected with a curve for measuring the brain, skulls of a Turk (top right), a Georgian woman (bottom left) and a Caribbean (bottom right). Coloured engraving by H. Adlard, 1824.
  • Johann Wilhelm Klein. Lithograph by J. Kriehuber, 1831.
  • Detail: Illustration showing two prisms.
  • Fu-k'o-hsueh / P.B. Chinese 33
  • Chinese manuscript Yu-t'ien Wang Ch'ing-jen chu.
  • Bloodletting points and moxa points on the human body. Gouache painting, Tibet.
  • Chinese manuscript Hsiao-ching p'ang-hsun.
  • Diagram of a skull.