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66 results
  • Assessed taxes:-cases : No. 2355.-County of Somerset, District of Bristol City.
  • Assessed taxes:-cases : No. 2355.-County of Somerset, District of Bristol City.
  • Deed of covenant (tax recovery form) / London Lighthouse.
  • The tax on medicine represented as a tax on illness and, ultimately, even on the 'abnormality' of healthiness: ten vignettes. Photomechanical reproduction of a wood engraving by H. Maigrot, 1907.
  • Jesus calls Matthew from among the tax officials. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • United States Internal Revenue stamp for special tax : received from ... the sum of ... dollars for special tax on the business of retail liquor dealer to be carried on at ... : May 1873 ... April 1874.
  • United States Internal Revenue stamp for special tax : received from ... the sum of ... dollars for special tax on the business of retail liquor dealer to be carried on at ... : May 1873 ... April 1874.
  • A Vision of the Repeal of the Window Tax. 'Hulloh Old Fellow, we're glad to see You here.'
  • A dentist giving John Bull a penny after extracting a tooth; representing the effects of income tax on Great Britain. Wood engraving, 1861.
  • Four men sit round a tax collector and blow smoke in his face. Coloured aquatint,by J.C. Ziegler, 1799, after R. Newton.
  • Jesus calls Matthew away from his vocation as a tax collector. Coloured lithograph by F. Hanfstaengl after S. Wiedenbauer after G.A. Pordenone.
  • A pharmacist and his friend discuss the new tax on medicine; with four other scenes. Photomechanical reproduction of a wood engraving by H. Maigrot.
  • A Frenchman in a tobacconist's declares he will take snuff to defy the increasing tax on tobacco. Coloured lithograph after H. Demare, c. 1870.
  • A Frenchman in a tobacconist's declares he will take snuff to defy the increasing tax on tobacco. Coloured lithograph after H. Demare, c. 1870.
  • A doctor presenting a patient with a large pill; representing Addington's concession to the City of London by withdrawing income tax. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1802.
  • John Bull has a nightmare about income tax represented by Sir Robert Peel sitting on his chest surrounded by donkeys (asses). Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1842.
  • A dentist recognizing a new patient from somewhere else, the patient (clutching her jaw) admits she works at the income tax office. Reproduction of a drawing by B. Thomas, 1921.
  • A triumphant American slave woman representing quassia (ingredient in acoholic drinks) is carried aloft by two brewers; representing the outcry against a tax on private brewing (?). Etching by J. Gillray, 1806.
  • The Dutch maid (De Nederlandse Maagd), personifying the Netherlands asks an apothecary whether a medicine might not be poisonous; symbolising doubts over a new Dutch tax law; he replies no, a babe-in-arms could take it. Process print after J. Braakensiek, 1890.
  • Determined by the judges : the appellant therefore contended that his van was exempted from the duty as assessed.
  • Determined by the judges : the appellant therefore contended that his van was exempted from the duty as assessed.
  • Advertisement : this is the reason why "it must be Bovril".
  • Advertisement : this is the reason why "it must be Bovril".
  • A man looking with annoyance at a hussar dressed in an expensive military uniform. Coloured etching.
  • Christ calls Matthew to be among his apostles. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, 1830, after L. Carracci.
  • Jesus calls Matthew from among the businessmen of Capernaum. Engraving by F. Rosaspina after L. Carracci.
  • Phrenological head of Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • Phrenological head of Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • Phrenological head of Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • A short, but concise account of Elisabeth, and Mary Chulkhurst, who were born joined together by the hips and shoulders, in the year of our Lord 1100, at Biddenden, in the county of Kent : commonly called the Biddenden Maids.